Dr. Sarah Harcum
Professor of Bioengineering, Clemson University

Email: harcum@clemson.edu
Phone: 864-656-6865
Faculty Website

Dr. Harcum is the PI on the CHOg2p project. She has experience culturing CHO cells in computer-controlled bioreactors. Her research group is responsible for conducting the CHO cell cultivation in the ambr®250 under industrially-relevant conditions and collecting the total RNA, metabolite profiles and other phenotypic data. To learn more about the research being conducted in Dr. Harcum's Lab, please view her lab website here: Cell Culture Optimization Laboratory.

Dr. Kelvin Lee
Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware

Email: khl@udel.edu
Phone: 302-831-8953
Faculty Website

Dr. Lee is responsible for the double strand break analysis and works with Dr. Saski to have the transcriptome analysis work completed. Dr. Lee is also Dr. Scott’s mentor. Due to the distance between the University of Delaware and Delaware State University, Dr. Harrington has also joined our project as a mentor for Dr. Scott. Drs. Wu, Lee, Scott, Gilmore, and Saski synthesize the multiple data sets to inform decisions regarding identification of “stability” genes.

Dr. Nicholas Sandoval
Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Tulane University

Email: nsandova@tulane.edu
Phone: 504-862-3261
Faculty Website

Dr. Sandoval is responsible for the gene modification work. He coordinates with Drs. Scott and Lee, who assist with some gene modification work as needed. As Dr. Sandoval creates the clones, he is involved in the hand-off of the CHO cells to the bioreactor portion of the project, conducted by Dr. Harcum. Dr. Sandoval’s group conducts some of the initial CHO cell cultures in small-scale. Dr. Sandoval is the lead PI at Tulane on the grant and a mentored early-career investigator.