Within the Central Plateau of Haiti, there are numerous rural communities that are isolated from important resources such as hospitals, markets, and educational institutions due to a lack of infrastructure. While there are established transportation systems in the country, there are communities located in mountainous areas where there is no established infrastructure. One specific community in the Central Plateau is the village of Morne Michel.

Morne Michel is located at the peak of a mountain and includes residential homes, a school, and a church. There is not a market, medical access, access to clean water, or many other basic necessities for a group of people. To access hospitals or markets, the people of this community must hike down the side of a mountain with no established pathway. The journey to another community with more resources is strenuous and lasts at least a few hours. This trip would be made worse if someone were to have a medical condition that they are seeking help for or if they are returning home and have trade goods that they are trying to carry. Because there is no established pathway and the path that locals take is very steep, it does not allow for vehicular access to the village. This limits emergency vehicles from helping those who need it. Overall, this lack of infrastructure makes it difficult for residents of this area to access resources.

With the implementation of a road to Cange, the people of Morne Michel would have an easily accessible path to another community. Cange offers many benefits for its residents and the communities around it. It has established markets, a hospital, access to clean water, and roadways to other communities. While this road will aid people who are trying to travel to locations away from Morne Michel, the road also allows for vehicles and other people to travel into the community. This means that emergency vehicles are able to access the people in Morne Michel and that resources can be transported into the community.