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Martha SteenstrupMartha Steenstrup
Research Professor
Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Clemson University
Clemson , SC 29634-0915

Professional preparation:
Ph.D., computer and information science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst , 1985.

M.A., mathematics, Columbia University , 1978.

A.B., mathematics and music, summa cum laude, Smith College , 1977.

2002 ff. Research associate professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clemson University

2002 ff. Part-time employee, San Diego Research Center

2001 ff. Independent consultant, Stow Research L.L.C.,

1985-2000 Principal scientist, BBN Technologies

1978-1979 Systems analyst, Naval Ordnance Systems Division, General Electric Company

1979-1984 Research assistant and teaching assistant, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

1977-1978 Teaching assistant, Mathematics Department, Columbia University

1974-1977 Teaching assistant, Mathematics Department, Smith College

Principal investigator for the following completed DARPA research projects:
   - IDPR (inter-domain policy routing), ~ $1.5M.
   - Nimrod (routing for large, dynamic, heterogeneous networks), ~ $2M.
   - MMWN (network support for distributed real-time applications in multihop mobile wireless networks), ~ $1.2M.
   - robust, efficient algorithms for self-structuring large networks, ~ $800K.
   - RAVEN (reliable all-informed voice networking) (co-principal with J. McChesney, ITT, and M. Pursley and H. Russell, Clemson University ).

Principal investigator for the following completed ONR research projects:
   - network control algorithms for dynamic transmission-limited environments, ~ $200K.
   - a secure communications architecture for autonomous intelligent unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs) (co-principal with A. Giordano and S. Jacobs, GTE Laboratories), ~ $300K
   -Currently, co-principal investigator (with Harry Lee, SDRC) on exploiting smart antennas to provide quality of service and multipoint delivery, part of the DARPA FCS Communications program (SBIR, ~ $100K)

Key contributor for the following on-going DARPA research projects:
   - UDAAN (utilizing directional antennas for ad hoc networking), (with R. Ramanathan and J. Redi, BBN Technologies, and N. Vaidya, University of Illinois), part of the DARPA FCS Communications program.
   - automated adaptive spectrum sharing, (with Mark McHenry, Shared Spectrum, Ed German, GTTech, and Harry Lee, Titan Aerospace), part of the DARPA XG program.

Some related publications:
M.E. Steenstrup, Difusing reservations: reducing call dropping in wireless networks, IEEE MILCOM2002, Anaheim, October 2002.

M.E. Steenstrup, Self-organizing network control structures: local algorithms for forming global hierarchies, IEEE MILCOM 2001, Tysons Corner, October 2001.

M. Steenstrup, Cluster-based networks, in C. Perkins, ed., Ad Hoc Networking , Addison-Wesley, Reading, 2001.

R. Krishnan, R. Ramanathan, and M. Steenstrup, Optimization algorithms for large self-structuring networks, IEEE INFOCOM '99, New York, April 1999.

S. Ramanathan and M. Steenstrup, Hierarchically-organized, multihop mobile wireless networks for quality-of-service support, Mobile Networks and Applications , Vol. 3, No. 1, 1998.

M.E. Steenstrup, Routing under uncertainty: a comparative study, IEEE WCNC 2000, Chicago, September 2000.

S. Ramanathan and M. Steenstrup, A survey of routing techniques for mobile communications networks, Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1996.

M. Steenstrup, ed., Routing in Communications Networks , Prentice Hall, Englewood Cli.s, 1995.

M. Steenstrup, IDPR: an approach to policy routing in large diverse internetworks, Journal of High Speed Networks, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1994.

D. Estrin, M. Steenstrup, and G. Tsudik, Protocols for route establishment and packet forwarding across multi-domain internets, IEEE Transactions on Networking, Vol. 1, No. 1, February 1993.

Synergistic Activities:
Editor, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 1995-1999.

Guest editor (with Z. Haas, D. Johnson, C. Perkins, M. Pursley, and C-K. Toh), IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications issue on mobile ad hoc networks, August 1999.

Guest editor (with R. Ramanathan), Mobile Networks and Applications issue on routing in mobile communications networks, June 1996.

Guest editor, IEEE Network special issue on mobile communications technologies, March/April 1994.

Member, technical editorial boards, IEEE Network , 1993-1994 and 1997-2000; Journal of High Speed Networks , 1994-present; and Mobile Networks and Applications , 1996-present.

Technical program co-chair (with T. Imielinski), ACM/IEEE MobiCom, 1999

Keynote speaker, "Think globally, act locally: a credo for mobile ad hoc networking," ACM Mobi-Hoc 2002.

Chair, inter-domain policy routing working group of the IETF, 1990-1995.

Participant in numerous workshops and panels sponsored by IEEE, ACM, ORSA/TIMS, NSF, DARPA, and InterOp.





Research Facilities Contact Us

Center for Research in Wireless Communications, 301 Fluor Daniel Engineering Innovation Building
Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Box 340915, Clemson, SC 29634-0915 -- 864.656.3946 (voice & fax)

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