Welcome to the NESL homepage!


Lab 59A AMRL 
91 Technology Drive 
C108 DEIC 
81 Technology Drive

Clemson University
Anderson , SC 29625
Ph: (864) 656-2201

Dr. Koley
221-E Riggs Hall
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Clemson University
Clemson , SC 29634
Ph: (864) 656-2201
Fax: (864) 656-5917


Visitor Count: 132302

October, 2020: Digangana publishes her research article titled "Impact of oxygen plasma treatment on carrier transport and molecular adsorption in graphene" in Nanoscale. Congratulations Digangana !!!

February, 2020: Caleb Dennis successfully defends his MS thesis titled “A low cost portable cloud based air quality sensing system,” as the tenth M.S. student from NESL (fourth at Clemson). He will join SPAWAR, Charleston, SC as Data Management Engineer. Congratulations Caleb!

February, 2020: NESL MS Alumnus Sean Gorman lands a job at Eaton Corporation at Greenwood, SC as test Engineer. Congratulations Sean!

**Website is maintained by Makhluk Hossain Prio. Last Updated on 07/06/2023