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Lab 59A AMRL 
91 Technology Drive 
C108 DEIC 
81 Technology Drive

Clemson University
Anderson , SC 29625
Ph: (864) 656-2201

Dr. Koley
221-E Riggs Hall
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Clemson University
Clemson , SC 29634
Ph: (864) 656-2201
Fax: (864) 656-5917


Visitor Count: 131946






Balaadithya Uppalapati, Durga Gajula, Ferhat Bayram, Akash Kota, Andrew Gunn, Digangana Khan, Vasmy P Chodavarapu, and Goutam Koley, “An AlGaN/GaN dual channel microcantilever based UV photodetector,” ACS Photonics (2022).(Link)




Samee Azad, Durga Gajula, Nawraj Sapkota, Apparao Rao, and Goutam Koley, “Infrared transmission characteristics of phase transitioning VO2 on various substrates,” Micromachines 13, 812 (2022). (Link)




Samee Azad, Ph.D., Durga Gajula and Goutam Koley, “Synthesis and Characterization of VO2 thin films on Piezoelectric Substrates,” Thin Solid Films 742, 139055 (2022).(Link)




Ferhat Bayram, Durga Rao Gajula, Digangana Khan, and Goutam Koley, “Mechanical Memory Operations in Piezotransistive GaN Microcantilevers using Photoacoustic Excitation,” Nature Microsystems and Nanoengineering 8 (2022). (Link)






Ifat Jahangir, M. Ahsan Uddin, Amol K. Singh, MVS Chandrashekhar, Goutam Koley, “Graphene/MoS2 Thin Film based Two Dimensional Barristors with Tunable Schottky Barrier for Sensing” IEEE Sensors 21, 26549 (2021). (Link)




Ferhat Bayram, Durga Gajula, Digangana Khan, Balaadithya Uppalapati, Samee Azad, and Goutam Koley, “Voltage triggered near-infrared light modulation using VO2 thin film,” Optics Express 29, 32124 (2021). (Link)




Ifat Jahangir, M. Ahsan Uddin, Alina Franken, Amol K. Singh and Goutam Koley, “Electrically or Chemically Tunable Photodetector with Ultra High Responsivity Using Graphene/InN Nanowire based Mixed Dimensional Barristors,” Nanotechnology 32, 475203 (2021). (Link)






Hongmei Li, Kenneth B. Walsh and Goutam Koley, “Direct measurement of K+ ion efflux from cardiomyocytes using graphene-based ion sensitive field effect transistor,” RSC Advances 10, 37728 (2020).(Link)




Digangana Khan, Durga Gajula, Hongmei Li, Ferhat Bayram and Goutam Koley, “Photoacoustic Detection of H2 Using Pd nanoparticle decorated piezotransistive GaN Microcantilevers, ACS Sensors 5, 3124 (2020). (Link)




Ferhat Bayram, Durga Gajula, Digangana Khan, and Goutam Koley, “Investigation of AlGaN/GaN HFET and VO2 Thin Film based Deflection Transducers Embedded in GaN Microcantilevers,” Micromachines 11, 875 (2020).(Link)




Digangana Khan, Hongmei Li, Ferhat Bayram, Durga Gajula, Goutam Koley, “Photoacoustic Detection of H2 and NH3 using Plasmonic Signal Enhancement in GaN Microcantilevers,” Micromachines 11, 680 (2020).(Link)




Michael Pedowitz, Soaram Kim, Daniel Lewis, Balaadithya Uppalapati, Digangana Khan, Ferhat Bayram, Goutam Koley, and Kevin Daniels, “Fast Selective Sensing Of Nitrogen Based Gases Utilizing Δ-MnO2-Epitaxial Graphene-Silicon Carbide Heterostructures For Room Temperature Gas Sensing,” IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 29, 846 (2020).(Link)






Ferhat Bayram, Durga Gajula, Digangana Khan, and Goutam Koley, “Nonlinearity in Piezotransistive GaN Microcantilevers,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 29, 125011 (2019). (Link)




Digangana Khan, Durga Gajula, Serdal Okur, Gary S. Tompa, Goutam Koley, “β-Ga2O3 Thin Film Based Lateral and Vertical Schottky Barrier Diode,” ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 8, Q106 (2019). (Link)




Hongmei Li, Rahul Singh, Ferhat Bayram, Anthony Childress, Apparao Rao, and Goutam Koley, “Impact of oxygen plasma treatment on carrier transport and molecular adsorption in graphene,” Nanoscale 11, 11145 (2019). (Link)




Soaram Kim, Yongchang Dong, Sean Gorman, Durga Gajula, Apparao M. Rao, Goutam Koley, “Piezoresistive graphene/P(VDF-TrFE) heterostructure based highly sensitive and flexible pressure sensor,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 160006 (2019). (Link)




Sean Gorman, Durga Gajula, Soaram Kim, Goutam Koley, “Impact of volatile organic compound exposure on electrical breakdown in GaN dual channel microcantilevers,” Applied Physics Letters 114, 114103 (2019).(Link)






Hongmei Li, Xu Han, Anthony S. Childress, Apparao M. Rao and Goutam Koley, “Investigation of carrier density and mobility variations in graphene caused by surface adsorbates,” Physica E 107, 96 (2018).(Link)




Kenneth Walsh, Hongmei Li and Goutam Koley, “Graphene Alters the Properties of Voltage-gated Ca2+ Channels in Rat Cardiomyocytes,” Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express 4, 65004 (2018).(Link)




Durga Rao Gajula, Ifat Jahangir, and Goutam Koley, “High temperature AlGaN/GaN membrane based pressure sensors,” Micromachines 9, 207 (2018).(Link)




Ferhat Bayram, Digangana Khan, Hongmei Li, Md. Maksudul Hossain, and Goutam Koley, “Piezotransistive GaN microcantilevers based surface work function measurements,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57, 040301 (2018). (Link)




Soaram Kim, Itmenon Towfeeq, Yongchang Dong, Sean Gorman, Apparao Rao, Goutam Koley, “P(VDF-TrFE) Film on PDMS Substrate for Energy Harvesting Applications,” Applied Sciences 8, 213 (2018). (Link)




Mykhailo Savchak, Nikolay Borodinov, Ruslan Burtovyy, Mark Anayee, Kesong Hu, Ruilong Ma, Anise Grant, Hongmei Li, Daniel B Cutshall, Yimei Wen, Goutam Koley, William R Harrell, George Chumanov, Vladimir Tsukruk, Igor Luzinov, “Highly conductive and transparent reduced graphene oxide nanoscale films via thermal conversion of polymer-encapsulated graphene oxide sheets,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 3975 (2018).(Link)






Ifat Jahangir, Md. Ahsan Uddin, Amol Singh, Goutam Koley, and M. V. S. Chandrashekhar, “Richardson constant and electrostatics in transfer-free CVD grown few-layer MoS2­/Graphene barristor with Schottky barrier modulation >0.6eV, Applied Physics Letters 111, 142101 (2017).(Link)




Digangana Khan, Ferhat Bayram, Durga Rao Gajula, Abdul Talukdar, Hongmei Li, and Goutam Koley, “Plasmonic amplification of photoacoustic waves detected using piezotransistive GaN microcantilevers,” Applied Physics Letters 111, 062102 (2017).(Link)




Hongmei Li, Yihao Zhu, Sayful Islam, Kenneth Walsh and Goutam Koley, “Graphene field effect transistors for highly sensitive and selective detection of K+ ions,” Sensors and Actuators B (2017). (Link)




Ifat Jahangir, Goutam Koley and MVS Chandrashekhar, “Back Gated FETs fabricated by large-area, transfer-free growth of a few layer MoS2 with high electron mobility,” Applied Physics Letters 110, 182108 (2017). (Link)




Ifat Jahangir and Goutam Koley, “Modeling the performance limits of novel microcantilever heaters for volatile organic compound detection,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 27, 015024 (2017). (Link)




B. K. Daas, Goutam Koley, T. S. Sudarshan, “Molecular Doping on Epitaxial Graphene by Gaseous Surface Adsorbents: Influence of Interband Scattering,” Sensors & Transducers 216, 29 (2017). (Link)






Md Ahsan Uddin, Yihao Zhu, Amol Singh, Hongmei Li, Md. Sayful Islam, Goutam Koley, “Effect of epoxy exposure on electronic properties of graphene,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 46LT02 (2016). (Link)




Md Ahsan Uddin, Amol Singh, Kevin Daniels, Thomas Vogt, M.V.S. Chandrashekhar and Goutam Koley, “Impedance Spectroscopic Analysis of Nanoparticle Functionalized Graphene/p-Si Schottky Diode Sensors,” accepted for publication in the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55 110312 (2016). (Link)




Ifat Jahangir and Goutam Koley, “Dual-channel microcantilever heaters for volatile organic compound detection and mixture analysis," Nature Scientific Reports 6, Article No. 28735 DOI:10.1038/srep28735 (2016).(Link)




Bochen Zhong, Md Ahsan Uddin, Amol Singh, Richard Webb and Goutam Koley, “Temperature dependent carrier mobility in graphene: Effect of Pd nanoparticle functionalization and hydrogenation, Applied Physics Letters 108, 093102 (2016). (Link)




Ifat Jahangir, Ehtesham Bin Quddus and Goutam Koley, “Unique detection of organic vapors below their auto-ignition temperature using III-V Nitride based triangular microcantilever heater,” Sensors and Actuators B 222, 459 (2016). DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2015.08.059. (Link)






Md Ahsan Uddin, Nicholas Glavin, Amol Singh, Rachel Naguy, Michael Jespersen, Andrey Voevodin, and Goutam Koley, “Mobility enhancement in graphene transistors on low temperature pulsed laser deposited BN,” Applied Physics Letters 107, 203110 (2015). (Link)




Abdul Talukdar, M. Faheem Khan, Dongkyu Lee, Seonghwan Kim, Thomas Thundat and Goutam Koley, “Femtoscale displacement transduction using piezotransistive GaN microcantilever,” Nature Communications 6, 7885 (2015), DOI: 10.1038/ncomms8885. (Link)






Yong Sun, Jie Liu, Douglas Blom, Goutam Koley, Zhiyao Duan, Guofeng Wang and Xiaodong Li, "Atomic-scale imaging correlation on the deformation and sensing mechanisms of SnOnanowire", Applied Physics Letters 105, 243105 (2014). (Link)




Ehtesham B. Quddus, Alina Wilson, Richard A. Webb, and Goutam Koley, “Oxygen mediated growth of high quality InN nanowires at high temperatures,” Nanoscale 6, 1166 (2014). (Link)




Kenneth B. Walsh, Nicholas DeRoller, Yihao Zhu, Goutam Koley, “Application of Ion-sensitive Field Effect Transistors for Ion Channel Screening,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 54, 448 (2014). (Link)




Abdul Talukdar and Goutam Koley, "Impact of the Biasing Conditions on Displacement Transduction by III-Nitride Microcantilevers", Electron Device Letters 35, 1299 (2014). (Link)




Yihao Zhu and Goutam Koley, "On the Modulation Of Oxygen Sensitivity Of In203 Thin Films : Effects of Moisture and DC Bias", Physics Status Solidi A 211, 2592 (2014). (Link)




Muhammad Ahsan Uddin, Amol Kumar Singh, Tangali S. Sudarshan and Goutam Koley, "Nanoparticle functionalized graphene/Si schottky diode for hydrogen sensing", Nanotechnology 25, 125501 (2014). (Link)




Amol Kumar Singh, Muhammad Ahsan Uddin, Tangali S. Sudarshan and Goutam Koley, "Tunable reverse-biased graphene/Si heterojunction schottky diode sensor", Small 10, 1555 (2014). (Link)






Christopher Jason Metting, Jonathan Kenneth Bunn, Jennifer Fadimba, Ellen Underwood, Yihao Zhu, Goutam Koley, Thomas Crawford, and Jason Hattrick-Simpers, “A Simple Gradient Temperature Annealing Unit for the Treatment of Thin Film Systems,” Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 036111 (2013).(Link)




Xinchuan Liu, Yihao Zhu, T-Y Hsia, Xuejun Wen, Goutam Koley, “Highly sensitive pressure sensor using Au patterned polydimethylsiloxane membrane for biosensing applications,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 23, 025022 (2013).(Link)




A. K. Singh, M. A. Uddin, J. T. Tolson, H. Maire-Afeli, N. Sbrockey, G. S. Tompa, M. G. Spencer, T. Vogt, T. S. Sudarshan and G. Koley, “Electrically tunable molecular doping of Graphene,” Applied Physics Letters 102, 043101 (2013).(Link)






Abdul Talukdar, Muhammad Qazi and Goutam Koley, "High frequency dynamic bending response of piezoresistive GaN microcantilevers," Applied Physics Letters 101, 252102 (2012).(Link)




B. K. Daas, W. K. Nomani, K. M. Daniels, T. S. Sudarshan, Goutam Koley, M. V. S. Chandrashekhar, "Molecular Gas Adsorption Induced Carrier Transport Studies of Epitaxial Graphene using IR Reflection Spectroscopy," Materials Science Forum arXiv:1201.4746v1 (2012).(Link)




Md. Nomani, A. Singh, V. Shields, M. Spencer, G. Tompa, N. Sbrockey, and G. Koley, "Correlated Conductivity and Work function in Epitaxial Graphene," Applied Physics Letters 100, 092113 (2012).




Ehtesham B. Quddus, Jie Liu, Zhihua Cai, Deepak Veereddy, Xinyong Tao, Xiaodong Li, Richard A. Webb, Goutam Koley, "Structural and mechanical properties of InN nanowires," Physica Status Solidi A 209, 718 (2012).






Md. Waliullah Khan Nomani, Dean Kersey, Devendra Diwan, Tom Vogt, Jon James, and Goutam Koley "Highly sensitive and multidimensional detection of NO2 using In2O3thin films," Sensors and Actuators B 160, 251 (2011). (pdf)




Goutam Koley, Zhihua Cai, Jie Liu, R. A. Webb, and, “Growth direction modulation and diameter dependent mobility in InN nanowires,” Nanotechnology 22 (2011).(pdf)




Muhammad Qazi, Nicholas DeRoller, and Goutam Koley, "Piezoresistive microcantilever with embedded AlGaN/GaN HFET for sensing applications," Applied Physics Letters 99, 193508 (2011).






Md. W. K. Nomani, Razib Shishir, Muhammad Qazi, Daevendra Dewan, V. B. Shields, and M. G. Spencer, Gary S. Tompa, Nick M. Sbrockey, and Goutam Koley, “Highly Sensitive and Selective NO2 Sensing using Epitaxial Graphene on 6H-SiC,” Sensors and Actuators B, 150, 301 (2010). (pdf)




Muhammad Qazi, Md. W. K. Nomani, MVS Chandrashekhar, V. B. Shields, M. G. Spencer, and Goutam Koley, “Molecular adsorption behavior of epitaxial graphene grown on 6H-SiC faces,” Applied Physics Express (formerly JJAP Letters) 3, 075101 (2010). (pdf)




Michael Bruckman, Jie Liu, Goutam Koley, Yu Li, Brian Benicewicz, Zhonwei Niu, and Qian Wang “Tobacco mosaic virus based eletrochemical sensor for detection of volatile organic compounds,” J. Mater. Chem. 20, 5715 (2010). (pdf)




Md. Waliullah Khan Nomani, Mohab Anis, Goutam Koley, “Statistical Approach for Yield Optimization for Minimum Energy operation in subthreshold circuits considering variability issues,” IEEE Transaction on Semiconductor Manufacturing 23, 77 (2010). (pdf)






Jie Liu, Zhihua Cai, and Goutam Koley, “Charge transport and trapping in InNnanowires investigated by scanning probe microscopy,” J. Appl. Phys. 106, 124907 (2009). (pdf)




Muhammad Qazi, MVS Chandrashekhar, Jie Liu, Goutam Koley, “Surface electronic property of SiC correlated with NO2 adsorption,” J. Appl. Phys. 106, 094901 (2009). (pdf)




J. Liu, K. C. Mandal, and G. Koley, "Investigation of nanoscale properties of CdZnTe crystals by scanning spreading resistance microscopy", Semi. Sci. Tech.24, 045012 (2009) (pdf)


Goutam Koley, J. Liu, Md. W. Nomani, M. Yim, X. Wen, and T. Hsia, “Miniaturized implantable pressure and oxygen sensors based on polydimethylsiloxane thin films,” Mater. Sci. Eng. C 29, 685 (2009) (pdf)




Xinyong Tao, Jie Liu, Goutam Koley, and Xiaodong Li , “B/SiOx Nanonecklace Reinforced Nanocomposites by Unique Mechanical Interlocking Mechanism,” Adv. Mater. 20, 1 (2008). (pdf)




M. Qazi and G. Koley, “Investigation of functionalization layers for NO2 detection using microcantilever based potentiometry,” Sensors8, 7144 (2008) (pdf).




M. Qazi, T. Vogt, and G. Koley, “Two-dimensional signatures for molecular identification”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 103120(2008) (pdf) (Also appears in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology , Mar 24 , 2008)




Z. Cai, S. Garzon, MVS Chandrasekhar, R. A. Webb and G. Koley, “Synthesis and properties of high quality InN nanowires and nano-networks,” Journal of Electronic Materials 37, 585 (2008)(pdf)




Z. Niu , J. Liu , L. A. Lee, M. A. Bruckman, D. Zhao, G. Koley, and Q. Wang, “Biological templated synthesis of water-soluble conductive polymeric nanowires”, Nano Lett. 7, 3729 (2007).(pdf)




M. Qazi, T. Vogt, and G. Koley, “Trace gas detection using nanostructured graphite layers,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 , 233101(2007) ( pdf)

(Also appears in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology , Dec 17, 2007 and in the news in Nanotechweb.org at http://nanotechweb.org/cws/article/tech/33045)


M. Qazi , G. Koley, S. Park and T. Vogt, "NO 2 detection by adsorption induced work function changes in In 2O3 thin films", Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 , 043113 (2007) ( pdf)


G. Koley, M. Qazi , L. Lakshmanan, and T. G. Thundat, "Gas Sensing using electrostatic force Potentiometry" Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 , 173105 (2007) (pdf)

  5.   G. Koley, J. Liu and K. C. Mandal, "Investigation of CdZnTe crystal defects using scanning probe microscopy"Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 , 102121 (2007) (pdf)
  6.   G. Koley, L. Lakshmanan, H. Wu, and Ho-young Cha, “Nanoscale surface characterization of GaN nanowires correlated with metal contact characteristics,” Physica Status Solidi204, 1123 (2007). (pdf)

2006 & Before

  1.   Huaqiang Wu, Ho-Young Cha, Mvs Chandrashekhar, M. G. Spencer, and G. Koley “High Yield GaN Nanowire synthesis and Field_Effect Tansistor Fabrication,” J. of Electron. Mater.35, 670(2006). (link)
  2.   Ho-Young Cha, Huaqiang Wu, Mvs Chandrashekhar, Y. C. Choi, S. Chae, G. Koley, and M. G. Spencer, “Fabrication and characterization of pre-aligned gallium nitride nanowire field-effect transistors,” Nanotechnology17 , 1264 (2006). (link)
  3.   G. Koley, L. Lakshmanan, N. Tipirneni, M. Gaevski, A. Koudymov, G. Simin, A. Khan, Ho-Young Cha, and M. G. Spencer, “Nanoscale capacitance-voltage characterization of two-dimensional electron gas in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures,” Jap. J. Appl. Phys. Lett. 44, L1348 (2005). (pdf)


**Website is maintained by Makhluk Hossain Prio. Last Updated on 07/06/2023