2022 |
1. |
Makhluk Hossain Prio, Sahil Patel, and Goutam Koley, “Implementation of Dynamic Radius Outlier Removal (DROR) Algorithm on LiDAR Point Cloud Data with Arbitrary White Noise Addition,” 95th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2022-Spring), Helsinki, Finland, June 19 - 22, 2022. |
2021 |
1. |
Michael Pedowitz, Soaram Kim, Daniel Lewis, Balaadithya Uppalapati, Digangana Khan, Ferhat Bayram, Goutam Koley, Kevin Daniels, “Green Three-Step Electrodeposition of Mn+3 Rich Layered δ-Phase MnO2 Nanofibers on Silicon and Epitaxial Graphene-Silicon Carbide Heterostructures," oral presentation at the Electrochemical Society meeting, May 2021 (virtual). |
2. |
Michael Pedowitz, Soaram Kim, Balaadithya Uppalapati, Digangana Khan, Ferhat Bayram, Goutam Koley, Kevin Daniels, “Electrochemical Deposition of Mn+3 rich δ-MnO2 on Epitaxial Graphene-Silicon Carbide Substrates for Selective Gas Sensing,” oral presentation at the American Physical Society meeting, March 2021 (virtual). |
2020 |
1. |
Balaadithya Uppalapati, Akash Kota, and Goutam Koley, “Simulation of an AlGaN/GaN based Ultraviolet Photodetector using Finite Element Method to obtain the Fresnel Coefficients," presented at the COMSOL conference, October 7-8, 2020 (virtual). |
2. |
Samee Azad, Digangana Khan, Hongmei Li, Rahul Singh, Ferhat Bayram, Mohiuddin Munna, Goutam Koley, “Investigation of VO2 Thin Film Grown on III-Nitride Epitaxial Layer,” Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors conference, July 29 – 31, 2020 (virtual). |
3. |
Steve Snodgrass, Caleb Dennis, Adam Fry, Brian DeHority, Balaadithya Uppalapati, Goutam Koley, “Investigation of environmental triggers for asthma in pediatric population in the greater Greenville area," Proceedings of the Health Sciences Center Research Showcase, March 2020. |
4. |
Balaadithya Uppalapati, Akash Kota, Vamsy P. Chodavarapu, & Goutam Koley, “Finite Element Modeling of an AlGaN/GaN based VOC sensor using COMSOL," oral presentation at the COMSOL Conference, October 7 – 8, 2020 (virtual). |
5. |
Balaadithya Uppalapati, Akash Kota, Vamsy P. Chodavarapu, & Goutam Koley, “An AlGaN/GaN based UV photodetector simulation using COMSOL to obtain Fresnel coefficients," oral presentation at the COMSOL Conference, October 7 – 8, 2020 (virtual). |
2019 |
1. |
Durga Gajula, Ferhat Bayram, Ifat jahangir, Digangana Khan & Goutam Koley, “Dynamic response of VO2 MESA based GaN Microcantilevers for Sensing Applications," oral presentation at the IEEE Sensors Conference, Montreal, Canada, on October 28, 2019. |
2. |
Balaadithya Uppalapati, Sean Gorman, Durga Gajula & Goutam Koley, “reversible Breakdown in g\GaN Dual Channel Cantilevers for VOC Sensing,” oral presentation at the IEEE Sensors Conference, Montreal, Canada, on October 28, 2019. |
2018 |
1. |
Rahul Singh, Digangana Khan, Durga Gajula, Ferhat Bayram & Goutam Koley, “Synthesis and Characterization of VO2 on III Nitride Thin Films Using Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition for Sensing Applications, oral presentation at the IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Device Conference, Portland, OR, on October 15, 2018. |
2. |
Soaram Kim, Yongchang Dong, Sean Gorman, Digangana Khan, Ferhat Bayram, Apprao M. Rao, Goutam Koley, “Multi-mode Integrated Energy Harvester utilizing Piezoelectricity and Triboelectricity,” oral presentation at the IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Device Conference, Portland, OR, on October 17, 2018. |
3. |
Digangana Khan, Durga Gajula, Ferhat Bayram, Soaram Kim and Goutam Koley, “Effect of Plasmonic Absorption on Photoacoustic Signal Generation,” oral presentation at the IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Device Conference, Portland, OR, on October 16, 2018. |
4. |
Digangana Khan, Durga Gajula, Ferhat Bayram and Goutam Koley, “Plasmonic Absorption Enabled Analyte Detection Using Piezotransistive Microcantilevers,” oral presentation at the IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Device Conference, Portland, OR, on October 16, 2018. |
5. |
Hongmei Li , John B Hardaway , Goutam Koley, “Highly Sensitive Ion Detection With Graphene/Si Schottky Junction Sensors,” oral presentation at the IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Device Conference, Portland, OR, on October 17, 2018. |
6. |
Hongmei Li, Austin Singh, Anthony S. Childress, Goutam Koley, “Sensing characteristic enhancement of oxygen plasma treated graphene,” oral presentation at the IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Device Conference, Portland, OR, on October 16, 2018. |
7. |
Hongmei Li, Digangana Khan, Goutam Koley, “Effect of surface adsorbates on carrier transport in graphene,” oral presentation at the IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Device Conference, Portland, OR, on October 17, 2018. |
8. |
Ferhat Bayram, Digangana Khan, Soaram Kim, Goutam Koley, “Piezotransistive GaN Microcantilever Based NO2 Sensing Using Functionalized Nanoscale Thin Films,” oral presentation at the IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Device Conference, Portland, OR, on October 17, 2018. |
9. |
Ferhat Bayram, Durga Gajula, Digangana Khan, Goutam Koley, “Observation of Nonlinear Oscillations in Piezotransistive GaN Microcantilevers, poster presentation at the IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Device Conference, Portland, OR, on October 16, 2018. |
10. |
Soaram Kim, Sean Gorman, Yongchang Dong , Apparao M. Rao , Goutam Koley, “Self-powered Flexible Strain Sensor with Graphene/P(VDF-TrFE) Heterojunction,” poster presentation at the 76th Device Research Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 24 - 27, 2018. |
11. |
Serdal Okur, Tom Salagaj, Digangana Khan, Durga Gajula, Goutam Koley, and Gary Tompa, “Single Event Effect Performance of Ga2O3-based Schottky Barrier Diode,” poster presentation at the 19th International Conference on Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Nara, Japan, on June 5, 2018. |
12. |
Serdal Okur, Tom Salagaj, Digangana Khan, Durga Gajula, Goutam Koley, Zbigniew Galazka, Andreas Fiedler, Klaus Irmscher, Gunter Wagner, and Gary Tompa, “High Voltage Ga2O3-based Lateral Schottky Barrier Diode,” oral presentation at the 19th International Conference on Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Nara, Japan, on June 5, 2018. |
2017 |
1. |
Hongmei Li, Md Sayful Islam and Goutam Koley, “Graphene-based ion-sensitive field effect transistor,” poster presentation at the 75th Device Research Conference, South Bend, IN, June 25 - 28, 2017. |
2. |
Digangana Khan, Ferhat Bayram, Hongmei Li, Durga Gajula, Soaram Kim, and Goutam Koley, “Plasmonic enhancement of photoacoustic signal for sensing applications,” oral presentation at the 75th Device Research Conference, South Bend, IN, June 25 - 28, 2017. |
2016 |
1. |
Kenneth Walsh, Yihao Zhu, Ashley Galloway, Pavel Ortinski and Goutam Koley, “Application of ion-senstitive field effect transistors for measuring glial cell K+ transport,” Oral presentation at the IEEE Sensors conference, Orlando, FL, Oct 30 – Nov 2, 2016. |
2. |
Soaram Kim, Itmenon Towfeeq, Ferhat Bayram, Digangana Khan, Goutam Koley, “Highly Flexible P(VDF-TrFE) Film-Based Piezoelectric Self-Powered Energy Harvester,” Oral presentation at the IEEE Sensors conference, Orlando, FL, Oct 30 – Nov 2, 2016. |
3. |
Md Ahsan Uddin, Yihao Zhu, Amol Singh, Ifat Jahangir, Ferhat Bayram and Goutam Koley, “Epoxy exposure induced electronic properties change of graphene,” Oral presentation at the IEEE Sensors conference, Orlando, FL, Oct 30 – Nov 2, 2016. |
4. |
Ferhat Bayram, Digangana Khan, Soaram Kim and Goutam Koley, “AlGaN/GaN HFET Embedded GaN Microcantilevers Based Potentiometric Sensor,” Oral presentation at the IEEE Sensors conference, Orlando, FL, Oct 30 – Nov 2, 2016. |
5. |
Ifat Jahangir and Goutam Koley, “Dual channel microcantilever heaters for selective detection and quantification of a generic mixture of volatile organic compounds,” Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors conference, Orlando, FL, Oct 30 – Nov 2, 2016. |
6. |
I. Jahangir, M.V.S. Chandrashekhar, and G. Koley., “Highly selective multi-modal detection of volatile organic compounds using III-V Nitride based dual channel micro cantilever heaters” oral presentation at the Electronic Materials Conference, Newark, DE, June 24, 2016. |
2015 |
1. |
Ifat Jahangir, Hamzeh Bardaweel and Goutam Koley, “Low-power III-Nitride Heater Cantilever Based Selective VOC Sensor,” poster presentation at the NSF Accelerating Innovation Research-Technology Translation (AIR-TT) Grantee Meeting Atlanta, Gerogia, June 1-2, 2015. |
2. |
Md Ahsan Uddin, Nicholas Glavin, Amol Singh, R. Naguy, Michael Jespersen, Ramakrishna Podila, Apparao Rao, Andrey Voevodin, and Goutam Koley, “Improved Electrical Properties of CVD Graphene on Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) low temperature grown Boron Nitride on SiO2/Si substrate,” oral presentation at the 57Th Electronic Materials Conference , Columbus, OH June 24, 2015. |
3. |
Ifat Jahangir, MVS Chandrashekhar and Goutam Koley, “Unique Detection of Organic Vapors at Low Temperature Using III-V Nitride Based Triangular Microcantilever Heater,” oral presentation at the 57Th Electronic Materials Conference , Columbus, OH, June 22, 2015. |
4. |
MA Uddin, AK Singh, KM Daniels, MVS Chandrashekhar and Goutam Koley, “Impedance Spectroscopy of Graphene/p-Si Heterojunction Diode for Sensing Applications,” poster presentation at the 73rd Device Research Conference, Columbus, OH, June 22, 2015. |
5. |
Abdul Talukdar and Goutam Koley, “III-V Nitride Microcantilever as a displacement Sensor,” oral presentation at the 18Th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Transducers 2015 , Anchorage, AL, June 23, 2015. |
6. |
Ahsan Uddin, Amol K. Singh, Kevin M. Daniels, MVS Chandrashekhar and Goutam Koley, “Impedance Spectroscopic analysis of functionalized graphene/silicon Schottky diode Sensor,” poster presentation at the 18Th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Transducers conference, Anchorage, AL, June 22, 2015. |
7. |
Bochen Zhong, Ahsan Uddin, Amol Singh, Goutam Koley and Richard Webb, “Temperature-dependent Transport Properties of CVD grown Graphene with Pd Functionalization,” APS March Meeting, , San Antonio, TX, March 4, 2015. |
2014 |
1. |
Md Ahsan Uddin, Amol K. Singh, Tangali S. Sudarshan, MVS Chandrashekhar and Goutam Koley, “Tunable Graphene/Si Schottky Diode Sensor: Before and After Functionalization for Wide Range of Molecular Sensing,” oral presentation at the AVS 61st Annual Exhibition and Symposium, November 11, 2014. |
2. |
Md Ahsan Uddin, Amol K. Singh, Tangali S. Sudarshan, MVS Chandrashekhar and Goutam Koley, “Improvement of Contact Resistance in Graphene Devices by post-Transfer Annealing,” oral presentation at the International Conference on Superlattices, Nanostructures and Nanodevices, Savannah, GA, August 4, 2014. |
3. |
Abdul Talukdar and Goutam Koley, “Gate Tunability of Piezoresistive GaN Microcantilever for Micro to Pico Scale Deflection Sensing Using Embedded AlGaN/GaN Heterojunction Field Effect Transistor,” oral presentation at the Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 27, 2014 |
4. |
Ifat Jahangir, Amol K. Singh and Goutam Koley, “Synthesis and Characterization of MoS2/Graphene heterojunction,” oral presentation at the Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 26, 2014. |
5. |
Amol K. Singh, Md Ahsan Uddin, Tangali S. Sudarshan, M. V. Chandrashekhar and Goutam Koley, “Large Molecular Sensitivity Enhancement by Graphene/Si Chemi-Diodes,” oral presentation at the Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 25, 2014 |
6. |
Md Ahsan Uddin, Amol K. Singh, Tangali S. Sudarshan, MVS Chandrashekhar and Goutam Koley, “Metal Functionalized Graphene/Si Heterojunction Diode for H2 Sensing,” oral presentation at the Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 25, 2014. |
7. |
Abdul Talukdar and Goutam Koley, “Gated Piezoresistive GaN Microcantilever as an Acoustic Transducer,” oral presentation at the Device Research Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 24, 2014. |
8. |
Ifat Jahangir, Ehtesham Quddus and Goutam Koley, “III-V Nitride based triangular microcantilever heater for selective detection of organic vapors at low temperatures,” poster presentation at the Device Research Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 24, 2014 |
9. |
N. M. Sbrockey, E. Coleman, G. S. Tompa, Alina Wilson, Ifat Jahangir, A. K. Singh and Goutam Koley, “Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of InN Films for High Sensitivity Gas Sensors,” presented at the 5th International Symposium on the Growth of III- Nitrides, Atlanta, GA, May 20 (2014). |
10. |
Bochen Zhong , Amol Singh , Ahsan Uddin , Goutam Koley , Richard Webb, “Temperature-dependent Transport Properties of Graphene,” oral presentation at the American Physical Society meeting, March 7, Denver, CO (2014). |
2013 |
1. |
Alina Wilson, Ifat Jahangir, Amol K. Singh and Goutam Koley, “InN Nanowires Based Multi-Modal Environmental Sensors,” poster presentation at the IEEE Sensors conference, November 4, 2013. |
2. |
Yihao Zhu, Nicholas DeRoller, Amol Singh, Ahsan Uddin, Kenneth Walsh, and Goutam Koley, “Application of ion sensitive field effect transistors (ISFET) for ion channel drug discovery,” poster presentation at the IEEE Sensors conference, November 4, 2013. |
3. |
Alina Wilson, Ifat Jahangir, A. K. Singh, Nick Sbrockey, E. Coleman, G. S. Tompa and Goutam Koley, “Graphene/Indium Nitride Heterostructure Sensor with Back Gate Modulation, oral presentation at the IEEE Sensors conference, November 5, 2013. |
4. |
Abdul Talukdar, Muhammad Qazi and Goutam Koley, “Static and Dynamic Responses of GaN Piezoresistive Microcantilever with Embedded AlGaN/GaN HFET for Sensing Applications, poster presentation at the IEEE Sensors conference, November 5, 2013. |
5. |
Amol Singh, Md. Ahsan Uddin, Tangali Sudarshan and Goutam Koley, “Tunable Graphene/Si Schottky Diode Sensor,” oral presentation at the IEEE Sensors conference, November 5, 2013. |
6. |
Md. Ahsan Uddin, Amol Singh, Tangali Sudarshan and Goutam Koley, “Pt-functionalized Graphene/Si Heterostructure for Hydrogen Sensing,” oral presentation at the IEEE Sensors conference, November 5, 2013. |
7. |
Shamaita Shetu, B. K. Daas, Kevin Daniels, Tangali Sudarshan, Goutam Koley, Mvs Chandrashekhar, “Selective Multimodal Gas Sensing in Epitaxial Graphene by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy,” poster presentation at the IEEE Sensors conference, November 5, 2013. |
8. |
A. K. Singh, M. A. Uddin, J. T. Tolson, N. Sbrockey, G. S. Tompa, M. G. Spencer, T. S. Sudarshan and Goutam Koley, “Controlling Donor and Acceptor Type Molecular Doping of CVD Graphene,” oral presentation at the Electronic Materials Conference, Notre Dame, IN, June 26 (2013). |
9. |
Ehtesham B. Quddus, Alina Wilson and Goutam Koley, “High Quality InN Nanowires for Multi-Modal Sensing,” accepted for oral presentation at the Electronic Materials Conference, Notre Dame, IN, June 28 (2013). |
10. |
Yihao Zhu and Goutam Koley, “Highly sensitive pressure sensor using Au patterned polydimethylsiloxane membrane for biosensing application,” presented at the IEEE Southeast Conference, Jacksonville, FL, April 4-7 (2013). |
11. |
Alina Wilson, Ehtesham B. Quddus, Goutam Koley, “Tunneling and sensing effects of high quality InN nanowires,” presented at the IEEE Southeast Conference, Jacksonville, FL, April 4-7 (2013). |
12. |
Ricardo D Torres, Lindsay T Sexton, Goutam Koley, Luiz G Jacobsohn, “Photonic crystals for enhanced light out coupling of scintillation based detectors,” oral presentation at the 245th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 8, 2013. |
13. |
Amol K. Singh, Md. Ahsan Uddin, James T. Tolson, G. S. Tompa, N. Sbrockey, M. G. Spencer, Tangali S. Sudarshan and Goutam Koley, “Tuning the Sensitivity of Toxic Gas Detection Using Back Gate Bias in CVD Graphene Field Effect Transistors, oral presentation at the Electronic Materials and Applications Conference, Orlando, Florida, January 23 (2013). |
14. |
Kenneth Walsh, Nicholas DeRoller, Yihao Zhu, Goutam Koley, “Application of ISFETs for Ion Channel Drug Discovery,” poster presentation at the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening, Orlando, Florida, January 12 – 16, 2013. |
2012 |
1. |
B. K. Daas, A. Singh, J. Tolson, S. Ma, T. S. Sudarshan, G. Koley and MVS Chandrashekhar, "Infra-red Reflection of Epitaxial Graphene on Cu and Ni," oral presentation at the Electronic Materials Conference, State College, PA, June, 2012. |
2. |
Ehtesham B Quddus, Alina Wilson and Goutam Koley, "Controlled synthesis of InN NWs and suspended nanostructures," oral presentation at the Electronic Materials Conference, State College, PA, June, 2012. |
3. |
Abdul Talukdar, Muhammad Qazi, and Goutam Koley, "Highly Sensitive III-V Nitride Based Piezoresistive Microcantilever using Embedded AlGaN/GaN HFET As Ultrasonic Detector", oral presentation at the Device Research Conference, State College, PA, June, 2012. |
4. |
Abdul Talukdar, and Goutam Koley, "Highly Sensitive III-V Nitride Based Piezoresistive Microcantilever using Embedded AlGaN/GaN HFET", poster presentation at the Hilton Head Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, June, 2012. |
2011 |
1. |
Md. W. K. Nomani, A. Singh, V. Shields, M. Spencer, G. Tompa, N. Sbrockey, and G. Koley, "Work Function and Conductivity changes due to Molecular adsorption in Epitaxial Graphene on 6H-SiC," presented at the IEEE Nano Conference, Portland, Oregon, August, 2011. |
2. |
B. K. Daas, K. M. Daniels, S. Shetu, W. K. Nomani, G. Koley, T. S. Sudarshan, M.V.S. Chandrashekhar “Polariton Enhanced IR Reflection Spectra of Epitaxial Graphene on SiC”, presented at EMC Conference, 2011, Santa Barbara, CA. |
3. |
B.K. Daas, W. K. Nomani, K. M. Daniels, T. S. Sudarshan, Goutam Koley, MVS Chandrashekhar “Molecular Gas Adsorption Induced Carrier Transport Studies of Epitaxial Graphene using Polariton Enhanced IR Reflection spectroscopy: Influence of Interband Scattering”, presented at the ICSCRM conference, Cleveland, OH. |
4. |
Muhammad Qazi, Md. Nomani, and Goutam Koley "Piezoresistive Microcantilever with Embedded AlGaN/GaN HFET for Sensing Applications," presented at the EMC 2011 conference in Santa Barbara, June 22, 2011. |
5. |
Mohammad Waliullah Nomani, Amol Singh, Goutam Koley, Virgil Shields, Mike Spencer, Gary Tompa, Nick Sbrockey, "Correlated Conductivity and Work Function in Epitaxial Graphene," presented at the EMC 2011 conference in Santa Barbara, June 23, 2011. |
6. |
Muhammad Qazi, Md. W. K. Nomani, MVS Chandrashekhar, Goutam Koley, V. B. Shields, and M. G. Spencer, "Molecular adsorption behavior of epitaxial graphene grown on 6H-SiC faces," presented at the Spring MRS conference in San Francisco, April, 2011. |
7. |
Muhammad Qazi, Nicholas DeRoller, Jie Liu, and Goutam Koley, "AlGaN/GaN based microcantilever for potentiometric molecular sensing," presented at the Spring MRS conference in San Francisco, April, 2011. |
8. |
Amol Singh, Md. W. K. Nomani, E. Quddus, M. Qazi, J. Liu, and G. Koley, " CVD Growth and Characterization of Few-Layer Graphene and its Gas Sensing Application," presented at the Spring MRS conference in San Francisco, April, 2011. |
2010 |
1. |
M. G. Spencer and Goutam Koley, "Highly Sensitive and Selective NO2 Sensing using Epitaxial Graphene on 6H-SiC,” to be presented at the IEEE Sensors Conference, Waikoloa, Hawaii, November 2, 2010 (invited). |
2. |
Goutam Koley, Muhammad Qazi, MVS Chandrashekhar, Md. W. Nomani, and Virgil Shields, and M. G. Spencer,” NO2 sensitivity of SiC and epitaxial graphene on SiC,” oral presentation at the Spring MRS conference, San Francisco, April 6, 2010. |
3. |
Goutam Koley, Zhihua Cai, and Ehtesham Bin Quddus, “Structural and Electrical Properties of High Quality Narrow Diameter InN Nanowires,” oral presentation at the Spring MRS conference, San Francisco, April 6, 2010. |
4. |
Goutam Koley, Md Waliullah Khan Nomani, Jie Liu, Moonbin Yim, Xuejun Wen, and T-Y Hsia, “Design and Fabrication of Implantable wireless pressure and oxygen sensors for pediatric surgery using PDMS thin films,”poster presentation at the Spring MRS conference, San Francisco, April 8, 2010. |
2009 |
1. |
Md. Waliullah Khan Nomani, Jie Liu, and Goutam Koley, Moonbin Yim, Xuejun Wen, and T-Y Hsia, “Design and Fabrication of Implantable Wireless Pressure and Oxygen Sensors Based on PDMS Thin Films for Application in Pediatric Surgery” oral presentation at the ISDRS Conference, Maryland, Dec 9, 2009. |
2. |
Muhammad Qazi, Md. W Nomani, MVS Chandrashekhar, and Goutam Koley, “NO2 Sensitivity of Wide Area SiC and Epitaxial Graphene on SiC Substrates,” oral presentation at the ISDRS Conference, Maryland, Dec 9, 2009. |
3. |
Jie Liu, Zhihua Cai, and Goutam Koley, “Charge transport in InN nanowires investigated by scanning probe microscopy,” oral presentation at the ISDRS Conference, Maryland, Dec 11, 2009. |
4. |
Ehtesham Bin Quddus, Zhihua Cai and Goutam Koley, “Structural and Electrical Properties of InN Nanowires Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition,” oral presentation at the ISDRS Conference, Maryland, Dec 11, 2009. |
5. |
Xinyong Tao, Jie Liu, Goutam Koley, Xiaodong Li, “Controlled Processing of Nanoparticle-Based Materials and Nanostructured Films,” presented at the Materials Science and Technology conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 25 – 29, 2009. |
6. |
Goutam Koley and Muhammad Qazi, "Unique molecular identification using two-dimensional responses," oral presentation at the NSTI Nanotechnology Conference, Houston, May 6, 2009. |
7. |
Goutam Koley and Zhihua cai, "InN nanowire based transistors and sensors," poster presentation at the NSTI Nanotechnology Conference, Houston, May 6, 2009. |
8. |
Z. Cai, S. Garzon, D. Veereddy, X. Tao, P. Muzykov, X. Li, T. S. Sudarshan, Richard A. Webb, and Goutam Koley, “Direction-controlled Growth and Characterizations of Indium Nitride Nanowires”, poster presentation at the Spring MRS Conference, San Francisco, April 14, 2009. |
9. |
J. Liu, W. Nomani, Goutam Koley, M. Yim, X. Wen, and T-Y Hsia, “Miniaturized implantable pressure and oxygen sensors based on polydimethylsiloxane thin films,” oral presentation at the Spring MRS Conference, San Francisco, April 16, 2009. |
10. |
J. Liu, Z. Cai, S. Garzon, D. Veereddy, R. A. Webb, Goutam Koley,“Nanoscale characterization of InN nanowires and nano-networks using scanning probe microscopy”, poster presentation at the Spring MRS Conference, San Francisco, April 14, 2009. |
2008 | |||
1. |
Muhammad Qazi and Goutam Koley, “Unique molecular identification using two-dimensional responses,” Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2008 Conference , Leece, Italy, October 28 , 2008. |
2. |
Zhihua Cai and Goutam Koley, “InN nanowire based sensors,” Proceedings ofIEEE Sensors 2008 Conference, Leece, Italy, October 27, 2008. |
3. |
Jie Liu, Krishna C. Mandal, and Goutam Koley, “Investigation of CdZnTe crystal defects using scanning spreading resistance microscopy,” accepted for publications in the Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, San Diego, August, 2008. |
2007 |
1. |
Zhihua Cai, Samir Garzon, Richard A. Webb and Goutam Koley, “Synthesis and Characterization of High Quality InN Nanowires and Nanonetworks”, poster presented at the Fall MRS Conference, Boston, November 26-30, 2007. |
2. |
Jie Liu , Zhongwei Niu , Zhihua Cai , Qian Wang , and Goutam Koley, “ Investigation of tobacco mosaic virus based nanowires using scanning probe microscopy” , accepted for poster presentation at the Fall MRS Conference , Boston , November 26-30 , 2007. |
3. |
Jie Liu , Zhihua Cai , Krishna C. Mandal , and Goutam Koley, “Investigation of CdZnTe crystal using scanning spreading resistance microscopy” , accepted for poster presentation at theFall MRS Conference , Boston , November 26-30 , 2007. |
4. |
Mvs Chandrashekhar , M. Qazi , J. Lu, G. Koley, and M. Spencer , “Large Area Nanocrystalline Graphite Films on Sic for Gas Sensing Applications ,” P roceedings of IEEE Sensors 2007 Conference , Atlanta , Georgia , October , 2007. |
5. |
M. Qazi, S. Park, T. Vogt and G. Koley, “Investigation of functionalization layers for NO 2 detection,” Proceedings ofIEEE Sensors 2007 Conference, Atlanta, Georgia , October, 2007. |
6. |
G. Koley , M. Qazi , S. Park , and T. Vogt , “A Novel Gas Sensing Platform using Microcantilever based Non-contact Potentiometry of Functionalized Substrates ,” presented at the Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense and Security Conference , Crystal City , June , 2007. |
7. |
G. Koley, M. Qazi, MVS. Chandrashekhar , M. G. Spencer , and T. Vogt, “Investigation of Graphene and Graphite Nano-crystals layers for sensing,” poster presented at the Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense and Security Conference , Crystal City , June , 2007. |
8. |
Donggao Zhao , Toshihiro Aoki , G. Koley , and Z. Cai , “Performance Characteristics of an Aberration-Corrected Jeol JEM 2100F STEM/TEM at the University of South Carolina ,” presented at the Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference , Ft. Lauderdale , Florida , April , 2007 |
2006 & Before |
1. |
G. Koley and Zhihua Cai , “Growth of gallium nitride nanowires and nanospirals ,” poster presented at the Fall MRS Conference , Boston , November 28 , 2006. |
2. |
G. Koley and L. Lakshamanan, “Investigation of cantilever resonance applied to potentiometric sensing,” oral presentation at the Fall MRS Conference , Boston , November 28, 2006. |
3. |
G. Koley and L. Lakshamanan , “Electromechanical sensors for environmental monitoring ,” oral presentation at the International Symposium on Spectral Sensing Research , Bar Harbor , Maine , June 2 , 2006. |
4. |
G. Koley , L. Lakshamanan , A. Khan, Huaqiang Yu, Ho-Young Cha, and M. G. Spencer, “Correlated electrical and structural properties of GaN nanowire based devices,” oral presentation at the Fall MRS Conference , Boston , December 1 , 2005. |
5. |
G. Koley, L. Lakshamanan, N. Tipirneni , M. Gaevski, A. Khan, Ho-Young Cha , and M. G. Spencer, “Nanoscale capacitance-voltage measurements on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures,” oral presentation at the Fall MRS Conference , Boston , November 30 , 2005. |
6. |
Huaqiang Wu , Ho-Young Cha , Mvs Chandrashekhar , Goutam Koley , and Michael G. Spencer , “GaN Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor Electrical Characterizations and Surface Passivation ,” presented at the ChinaNano Conference , Beijing , China , June , 2005. |
7. |
Huaqiang Wu , Ho-Young Cha, Mvs Chandrashekhar, G. Koley , and M. G. Spencer , “High Yield GaN Nanowire FET Fabrication and Characterizations,” presented at the Electronic Materials Conference , Santa Barbara , California , June 23 , 2005. |
Lab 59A AMRL
91 Technology Drive
81 Technology Drive
Clemson University
Anderson , SC 29625
Ph: (864) 656-2201
Dr. Koley
221-E Riggs Hall
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Clemson University
Clemson , SC 29634
Ph: (864) 656-2201
Fax: (864) 656-5917
Visitor Count: 132765