Welcome to the NESL homepage!


Lab 59A AMRL 
91 Technology Drive 
C108 DEIC 
81 Technology Drive

Clemson University
Anderson , SC 29625
Ph: (864) 656-2201

Dr. Koley
221-E Riggs Hall
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Clemson University
Clemson , SC 29634
Ph: (864) 656-2201
Fax: (864) 656-5917


Visitor Count: 132302

May, 2015. REU student Sean Gorman (Clemson Undergraduate) joins NESL for research during summer. Welcome Sean!

April, 2015. Dr. Hamzeh Bardaweel joins NESL as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Hamzeh!

April, 2015. Ahsan successfully defends his dissertation as the ninth Ph.D. student from NESL. He will be joining NESL as a postdoctoral researcher. Congratulations Ahsan !!!

**Website is maintained by Makhluk Hossain Prio. Last Updated on 07/06/2023