Two-photon Light-Sheet/FRAP Microscopy
We develop two-photon scanned light-sheet based microscopy with high volumetric imaging speed to investigate diffusion processes in the extracellular matrix or matrical materials.

High resolution Imaging in Orthopedics
We develop imaging devices and methods to evaluate structures and functions in musculoskeletal tissues, such as articular cartilage, meniscus, and ligaments.

Image Processing and Deep Learning
We develop image processing algorithms, including deep learning-based algorithms, to improve the accuracy and the speed of quantitative image analysis.

Nonlinear Optical Microscopy
We build novel laser scanning microscopes which utilize nonlinear optical signals from biological organisms for studying cell and tissue functions.

STED Superresolution Microscopy
We develop wavefront shaping techniques to improve the stimulated emission depletion efficiency in imaging thick tissues with STED microscopy.

Structural and Functional Imaging of Cardiac Muscles
We use advanced optical microscopy such as two-photon scanned light-sheet, second harmonic generation, and STED microscopies to study structures and functions of cardiac muscles with high spatiotemporal resolution.