Virtual Conference – International Water Research Summit on COVID-19

Hosted by The Water Research Foundation

April 27-30, 2020

Videos and slides from this event have been made available here.

The Water Research Foundation (WRF) was proud to host a groundbreaking Virtual International Water Research Summit on Environmental Surveillance of COVID-19 Indicators in Sewersheds. The Summit addressed several technical issues to further advance the work researchers are performing throughout the world, including:

  • Location, timing, and procedures for collecting and preserving samples of wastewater
  • Approaches for identifying the concentration of indicators of COVID-19 in wastewater samples
  • Relationship between concentrations of COVID-19 indicators and the presence and progress of COVID-19 cases in the community, including the severity of disease and length of time since the initial infection
  • The sensitivity of analytical results as an indicator of changes in community prevalence of COVID-19