Tribal P2 Action Announces Webinar and Roundtable Series

The Tribal Pollution Prevention Action team (TribalP2Action) is excited to announce a series of online events focusing on helping tribal businesses and other organizations prevent pollution and save money in the areas of hazardous substances, water, wastewater, and energy. From August 25 through September 22, 2020 a series of five webinars and three roundtable meetings (90 minutes each) will provide P2 planning and implementation guidance and resources, discussions on challenges and best practices, case studies from tribal businesses, and more. While these events are targeting those working with tribal businesses throughout the U.S., anyone interested in these topics may register and participate.

The event topics, schedule, and registration links for the webinars and roundtable meetings (all beginning at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time) are listed below. Detailed descriptions of each webinar and roundtable can be found by following the link to each Zoom registration page and below:


Tues., Aug. 25, 2020, 10:00 a.m. PT – Tribal P2 Action: Project Introduction and Overview of P2 Assessment and Planning for Tribal Businesses to Reduce Pollution and Costs: Tribal businesses, governments, and other organizations face a wide range of opportunities to prevent pollution and save costs in the areas of energy, water, and hazardous substances. In this 90-minute webinar, the TribalP2Action Team will introduce the Tribal P2 Action project, describe the P2 efforts at Pala and San Pasqual tribal businesses, and provide an overview of the 8-part webinar and roundtable series convened from Aug, 25, 2020 through Sept. 22, 2020. The TribalP2Action Team will then explain the process for conducting P2 assessments and developing action plans to reduce pollution and save money at tribal businesses. REGISTER HERE

Tues., Sept. 1, 2020, 10:00 a.m. PT – How to Prevent Pollution and Save Money from Hazardous Substances at Tribal Businesses: Assessments, Planning,  Best Practices, and Case Studies: Chemicals and other hazardous materials used or stored at tribal businesses, governments, and other organizations can be expensive, threaten human health, and harm the environment. In this 90-minute webinar, hazardous materials experts will describe how tribal businesses and organizations can assess hazardous substances at their facilities and develop an action plan to take advantage of opportunities to reduce pollution, minimize health impacts, and save money. The Tribal P2 Action Team will also share information about hazardous substance-related P2 activities occurring at Pala and San Pasqual tribal businesses. REGISTER HERE

Tues., Sept. 8, 2020, 10:00 a.m. PT – How to Prevent Pollution and Save Money from Water and Wastewater at Tribal Businesses: Assessments, Planning, Best Practices, and Case Studies: Water and wastewater consumed and generated by tribal businesses, governments, and other organizations can be expensive to acquire and manage. Decreasing fresh water supply is also a major threat to many tribal communities and ineffective water and wastewater management can threaten human health and harm the environment. In this 90-minute webinar, water resource experts will describe how tribal businesses and organizations can assess water and wastewater at their facilities and develop action plans to take advantage of opportunities to reduce water consumption and wastewater generation, minimize human health and environmental impacts, and save money. The Tribal P2 Action Team will also share information about water-related P2 activities occurring at Pala and San Pasqual tribal businesses. REGISTER HERE

Tues., Sept. 15, 2020, 10:00 a.m. PT – How to Prevent Pollution and Save Money from Energy Use at Tribal Businesses: Assessments, Planning,  Best Practices, and Case Studies: Energy use by tribal businesses, governments, and other organizations is expensive and the costs of traditional energy supplies continues to increase. Depending on the fuel source, energy use can also harm the environment and human health locally, nationally, and on a global scale. In this 90-minute webinar, energy experts will describe how tribal businesses and organizations can assess energy use and management at their facilities and develop action plans to take advantage of opportunities to reduce consumption, switch to cleaner sources, minimize human health and environmental impacts, and save money. The Tribal P2 Action Team will also share information about energy related P2 activities occurring at Pala and San Pasqual tribal businesses. REGISTER HERE

Tues., Sept. 22, 2020, 10:00 a.m. PT – Pollution Prevention Training and Implementation: Without effective implementation of a P2 Action plan, tribal business and other organizations that complete P2 assessments and plans will not realize the pollution reductions and cost savings opportunities they have identified and hope to achieve. In this 90-minute webinar, the TribalP2Action Team will describe how to use, manage, and update a P2 Action Plan to successfully implement identified energy, water, and hazardous substance opportunities as well as how to monitor implementation progress and performance. In addition, the TribalP2Action will share guidance on how to educate and involve employees, customers, community members, and other stakeholder in P2 activities. REGISTER HERE


Thurs., Sept. 3, 2020, 10:00 a.m. PT – COVID-19 and Hazardous Substances at Tribal Businesses: As tribal businesses, governments, and other organizations reopen, the costs and impacts of maintaining a safe and healthy environment are increasing. Businesses and other organizations are using more cleaning and sanitization chemicals and generating more waste than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. In this 90-minute roundtable discussion, industrial hygiene experts and roundtable participants will explore and discuss sanitization protocols, products, best practices, and challenges in protecting the health and safety of customers and employees while simultaneously minimizing the volume, cost, and human and environmental effects’ of toxic chemicals. REGISTER HERE

Thurs., Sept. 10, 2020, 10:00 a.m. PT – Landscaping Strategies for Saving Water and Money at Tribal Businesses: Vital water resources are being depleted at a faster rate than ever before and water costs are surging. In this 90-minute roundtable discussion, water resource experts and roundtable participants will explore and discuss landscaping strategies, best practices, and challenges for tribal businesses, governments, and other organizations seeking to reduce water use and costs, particularly including golf courses, resorts, parks, and agricultural operations. REGISTER HERE

Thurs., Sept. 17, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. PT – Reducing Pollution and Costs with Energy Storage at Tribal Businesses: Energy storage technologies are taking center stage as tribal businesses, governments, and other organizations seek to improve their self-reliance and resiliency against utility outages. Energy storage also can be used to prevent pollution and save money, and incentives currently available for some projects make storage investments more affordable than ever. In this 90-minute roundtable discussion, experts and roundtable participants will explore and discuss: energy storage technology options; pairing energy storage with renewables and microgrids; storage strategies; funding opportunities; and challenges for tribes in considering energy storage projects to reduce pollution and costs while increasing resiliency and self-reliance. REGISTER HERE

Contact the TribalP2Action team with questions or comments.