Your Suppliers’ Impacts Are Your Impacts Too: Opportunities to Prevent Pollution through Procurement

Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance Programs, or P2 TAPs, know the importance of understanding their client’s key environmental impacts – or “hotspots.” But what if some of the most significant impacts are not in the facility itself but driven by procurement? From batteries to boxes to buildings, the products and services purchased by manufacturers/processors have vast supply chains with their own environmental impacts. This webinar will explore tools and resources to understand & prioritize your clients’ supply chain impacts AND to identify and use robust product/service sustainability specs, standards, ecolabels to address them. Presented by EPA’s Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program and Sustainable Materials Management Program.


  • Alison Kinn Bennett, U.S. EPA, EPP, OPPT
  • Jarrod Bridge, U.S. EPA, ORCR 

December 10, 2020 2:00 to 3:00 pm ET

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Pollution Prevention