EPA Webinar: Supporting Air Quality and Climate Change Planning with GLIMPSE

EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) is developing a modeling framework called GLIMPSE that has the potential to explore a wide range of topics of interest to state air quality managers. GLIMPSE focuses on the energy system, which includes energy production, transformation in refineries and power plants, and use in buildings, industry, and transportation. GLIMPSE allows users to simulate how the energy system may evolve at the state level through 2050, including how it responds to new and emerging technologies (e.g., electric and hydrogen vehicles) and existing and potential policies (e.g., technology subsidies and clean energy standards) under certain user-defined scenarios. GLIMPSE can also suggest cost-effective strategies for achieving air pollutant and GHG reduction targets simultaneously. GLIMPSE outputs include the market shares of energy technologies, fuel use and prices, and air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. As states tackle the dual challenges of attaining air quality standards and meeting greenhouse gas reduction targets, GLIMPSE has the potential to be a valuable tool in the planning process. This presentation will provide a preview to GLIMPSE, demonstrate its use for multi-pollutant planning, and recruit modelers from states to be beta-testers.

When: Thursday, September 22, 3-4 pm ET

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