EPA New Resource: All Hazards Waste Management Planning Tool.

EPA recently launched a new version of the All Hazards Waste Management Planning Tool. This interactive online tool helps users develop pre-incident waste management plans for both natural and man-made disasters. The intended user community for this tool is primarily decision makers at the state and local levels, Tribal communities, as well as owners and operators of large facilities (e.g., chemical plants). The new features of this tool include improved estimation of waste volumes based on specific information about structures in impacted areas, updated and more detailed information on waste management facilities, the ability to add information on transportation options, and integration with other EPA disaster waste and debris systems. EPA expects that this tool will lead to the development of more pre-incident planning resources, enhancing the resiliency of our nation’s ability to respond to disasters.

Please feel free to share this news amongst your networks! To access the updated tool, visit https://wasteplan.epa.gov/ (registration required).