Webinar – How to Use EPA Database Tools to Help Identify Potential Pollution Prevention Opportunities and Solutions at Manufacturing Facilities

July 16, 2020, 2 PM to 3 PM Eastern
Register now for the webinar.

EPA is pleased to offer a webinar on July 16, 2020, to demonstrate the online tools available to help grantees to:  

  • Identify leads for facilities in NEA sectors that may benefit from grantee technical assistance; and
  • Find information on selected facilities’ operations, chemical use, and possible P2 opportunities.

To make the training as relevant as possible, we are asking you to share your experience using EPA databases, such as TRI, for targeting purposes. Please share examples of successes or challenges in advance of the webinar if you are able. If you have specific questions about the datasets or how to use them, we welcome any questions in advance. Following the webinar, we are planning a half-hour interactive session to work through your questions on using the tools. Please email examples and/or questions to p2hub@epa.gov prior to the webinar.


  • Cheryl Keenan, Eastern Research Group, Inc., contractor to EPA