
Current Courses

  AuE-8220 | Autonomy: Mobility and Manipulation

This course is intended to be a computational introduction to modeling, analysis,  and control of autonomous systems for enhanced physical interaction (mobility and manipulation) with the world. 

AuE-8930 | Autonomy: Science and Systems 

This course is intended to survey the state-of-the-art in the rapidly evolving field of varying-grades of autonomy for on-road and off-road ground-vehicles. This course will introduce students to both the fundamental advances in science as well as technology behind the systems in a number of application arenas. Topical coverage includes:

AuE-8360 | 8360 Scaled Autonomous Vehicles 

Autonomous vehicles are emerging as integral components of the US economy, and there is a critical need for students trained in the theories as well as the technologies surrounding such systems. The development and deployment of scaled (1/10th and 1/5th) autonomous remote-control (RC) vehicle infrastructure offers an affordable, customizable yet integrative focus to support the necessary education and training activities in Safe, Secure, Coordinated and Efficient Autonomy.

The course adopts a project-based learning approach, where students will work on projects within a larger integrative theme of scaled autonomous RC-vehicles. Projects (to be pursued either individually or in 2-3 person teams) will focus on the development and validation of existing cutting-edge approaches to autonomous perception, planning, control and coordination.

Examples of projects could include:

  AuE-6600 | Dynamic Performance of Vehicles 

This course discusses fundamental concepts in the dynamic behavior of ground vehicles, mainly two and four-wheeled vehicles. It stresses the application of dynamic systems modeling and analysis to understand ride performance, handling, and straight-line running. Practical considerations in vehicle design and its influence on vehicle performance are discussed.

Pre-req: ME 3050 or equivalent or permission of instructor 

Spring Semester Offerings

AuE-8930 | Autonomy: Science and Systems

AuE-8930 | Scaled Autonomous Vehicles (F'19, F'20, S'20, F'23)

AuE-8930 | Computational Methods for Automotive Engineering (S'18)

Fall Semester Offerings

AuE-6600 | Dynamic Performance of Vehicles

AuE-8220 | Autonomy: Mobility and Manipulation (F'21, F'22)

AuE-8930 | Robotics: Mobility and Manipulation (F'18, F'19, F'20)