- May 15th, 2023
Dr. Zhao presents a poster at Tiger Advance Open House. 
- March 31st, 2023
Mahabubur has sucessfully defend his dessertation. Congratulations, Dr. Rahman.
- Feb, 2023
Dr. Zhao is on the news report about Coolest tech by Clemson University materials scientists and engineers .
- Nov, 2022
Dr. Zhao is on the team to receive a prestigious DOE grant about developing a new source of clean energy with the universe's most abundant element.
- Oct, 2022
Dr. Zhao initiated the WiMAE club (women in mechanical and automotive engineering) to mentor and support female graduate students in School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering.
- Oct, 2022
Mahabubur Rahman received graduate student travel award from Clemson University. Congratulations!
- Aug, 2022
Shardule Sharma joined the group as a thesis Master student! Welcome!
- Aug, 2022
Dr. Zhao received the Stanzione Professorship.Here is the news report about "Huijuan Jane Zhao supports women in STEM". Here is the video report.
- July, 2022
As graduate program coordinator, Dr. Zhao has participated on teams to win three education-related grants from NSF and the Department of Education.
- Apr, 2022
Dr. Zhao received the Department Award of Excellence-Senior Faculty.
- Nov, 2021
Dr. Zhao was elected as the vice chair of ASME Committee on Computing in Applied Mechanics (CONCAM). Dr. Zhao will serve as vice-chair in 11/2021-11/2023 and chair in 11/2023-11/2025.
- May, 2021
Dr. Zhao took the leadership role to serve as Graduate Program Coordinator in the Mechanical Engineering Department.
- May, 2021
Zibusiso Dhlamini graduated as thesis MS student. Congratulations!
- Mar, 2021
Tanuj Gupta won the poster award from Mechanical Engineering Department. Congratulations!
- Mar, 2021
Mahabubur Rahman won the poster award from Mechanical Engineering Department. Congratulations!
- Jan, 2021
Clemson University was back to in-person teaching mode.
- Dec, 2020
Mitra Shabani graduated with Ph.D. Congratulations!
- Aug, 2020
Tristan Woods graduated as Thesis MS student. Congratulations!
- Mar, 2020
University was closed due to Covid-19. Everything became virtual.
- Aug, 2019
Dr. Zhao started to advise Mitra Shabani as Ph.D. advisor.
- Aug, 2019
Tanuj Gupta joined the group as a Ph.D. student! Welcome!
- Nov, 2018
Tristan Woods joined the group as a thesis Master student! Welcome!
- Aug, 2018
Mahabubur Rahman joined the group as a Ph.D. student! Welcome!
- Aug, 2018
One of the collaboration paper has been accepted by NPJ Computational Materials. Well done! Dr. Y. Gan.
- July, 2018
Qian Mao defended her Ph.D. dissertation successfullly. She will graduate in Aug, 2018. Congratulations!
- May, 2018
Dr. Zhao will be promoted to Associate Professor rank with tenure in Aug, 2018.
- Nov, 2017
Dr. Zhao served as topic organizer of "Modeling of the Fracture, Failure and Fatigue in Solids" at IMECE 2017 with 37 abstracts and 7 sessions.
- Aug, 2017
Zibusiso Dhlamini joined the group! Welcome!
- Aug 4th, 2017
Dr. Zhao gave an invited seminar at Hong Kong City University.
- April 6th, 2017
Yingye Gan defended her Ph.D. dissertation successfullly. She will graduate in May, 2017. Congratulations!
- Mar, 2017
One of our work is reported by advanceseng.com.
- Mar, 2017
Sarah Collings joined the group as a thesis Master student.
- Mar, 2017
Dr. Zhao attent the TMS meeting at San Diego, CA.
- Nov, 2016
Dr. Zhao attent the MRS Fall meeting at Boston, MI.
- Nov 22nd, 2016
Vishnu Priya Ramineni has passed her Master thesis defense. She will graduate in Dec 2016. Congratulations.
- Sep, 2016
Dr. Zhao received a prestigious DOE grant. .
- Sep, 2016
Yingye Gan, Baobao Tang, and Vishnu Priya Ramineni have won the first round of Departmental poster competition. They will give 3 minutes research presentation in Spring 2017 to compete for the Eastman Chemical Graduate Research Awards.
- Aug, 2016
Dr. Zhao won the CECAS Dean's Faculty Fellow.
- Aug, 2016
Michael Massar joined the group through the undergraduate Creative Inquiry program.
- May, 2016
Dr. Zhao gave a seminar at University of Washington at Seattle.
- Apr, 2016
Yingye Gan won the 2nd place in the Clemson GRADS poster competition .

- Apr, 2016
Baobao Tang will join the group in July 2016.
- Apr, 2016
Yingye Gan won the Departmental Outstanding Graduate Student Award. Bravo!
- Feb, 2016
Yingye Gan gave a presentation at the TMS annual meeting.
- Dec, 2015
Yingye Gan published a paper at Physics Letters A. Good Job!
- Dec, 2015
Yingye Gan published an invited paper at Materials special issue: Nuclear Mateirals.
- Nov, 2015
Dr. Zhao attent the 2015 IMECE Conference at Houston, TX.
- Sep, 2015
Vishnu Ramineni joined the group as a thesis Master student.
- Aug, 2015
Chengjian Li published a paper in Journal of Applied Physics. Good job!
- July 20th, 2015
Chengjian Li defended his Ph.D. dissertation successfully. He will graduate in Aug, 2015 and join MathWorks in Boston, MA in Aug, 2015. Congrautlations!
- May, 2015
Mark Allen joined the group as an undergraduate research assistant.
- Apr 13th, 2015
Sandeep Rao defended his master thesis successfully. He will graduate in May, 2015 and join Faurecia Corporate at Simpsonville, SC in June, 2015. Congratulations!
- Mar 29-31, 2015
Yingye Gan and Dr. Zhao conducted the high energy WAXS and SXAS measurements with Advanced Phonon Source (APS) sector 1-ID, at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL.
- Mar 27th, 2015
Dr. Zhao was invited to give a seminar at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL.
- Mar 17th, 2015
Yingye Gan presented her research at TMS 2015 meeting at Orlando, FL.
- Dec, 2014
Chongze Hu joined the group through the departmental honor undergraduate research program.
- Dec, 2014
Dr. Zhao attent the 2014 MRS Fall conference at Boston, MA.
- Dec, 2014
Weifeng Wu joined the group as a thesis master student.
- Nov, 2014
Dr. Zhao attent the 2014 IMECE Conference at Montreal, Canada.
- Oct, 2014
Dr. Zhao attent the 2014 Nuclear Materials Conference at Clearwater, FL.
- Oct, 2014
Yingye Gan won the top 5 Posters of the 3rd ME graduate Student Poster Session. Congratulations!

- Aug, 2014
Yingye Gan published a paper at Physics Letters A. Good job!
- Jul, 2014
Qian Mao joined the group.
- Apr, 2014
Dr. Zhao won the Eastman Chemical Awards for Excellence.
- Mar, 2014
Yingye Gan presented her research at APS 2014 Spring meeting at Denver, CO.
- Feb, 2014
Chengjian Li published a journal paper at CARBON. Well done!
- Jan, 2014
Li Shi joined the group.
- Dec, 2013
Dr. Zhao attend the BISON workshop at INL.
- Nov, 2013
Chengjian Li presented his research at IMECE2013 conference at San Diego, CA.
- Aug, 2013
Sandeep Rao joined the group.
- Aug 5th, 2013
Dr. Zhao attended the IEEENano conference at Beijing, China.
- Apr 20th, 2013
Dr. Zhao's group hosted an activity about "Nanostructures: More than Meets the Eye" at "E-magine Your Future" event host by Clemson University. We had lots of fun with high school students.

- Apr 12th, 2013
Dr. Zhao was invited to present a seminar at NanoSEC seminar series, UGA. The title of the presentation is "Computational Analysis: Strength of Materials"
- Nov, 2012
Dr. Zhao attent the IMECE2012 conference at Houston, TX.
- Oct, 2012
Dr. Zhao published a paper on Physics Letters A.
- Aug, 2012
Yingye Gan joined the group.
- Jul, 2012
Chengjian Li joined the group.
- Jan, 2012
Dr. Zhao moved to Clemson area with her family.