Huijuan Zhao's Google Scholar Site
- Student Author
- *: Corresponding Author
- [J#]: journal publication
- [C#]: conference proceedings
- [B#]: Book Chapters
[C7] |
T. Gupta, T. Woods, H. Zhao*, "Multi-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Fused Silica Under Shock Impact: Parameter Characterizations", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2022-96062, V009T12A035; 6 pages, 2022(Full text) |
[C6] |
M. Rahman, H. Zhao*, "Layer Dependent Out-Of-Plane Thermal Conductivity in MoS2: A Molecular Dynamics Study", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2022-96075, V008T11A055; 5 pages, 2022(Full text) |
[C5] |
X. Zhu, Q. Zhang, M. Matlin, Y. Chen, Y. Yang, T. Li, W. Zhu, Y. Wu, H. Zhao, R. Pollack, M. Urban, H. Xiao*, "All-digital Plug and Play Passive RFID Sensors for Indoor Temperature and Humidity Monitoring", IEEE Sensors, 22362062, 2022(Full text)
| [C4] |
X. Jiao, Y. Wu, X. Zhu, M. Rahman, T. Gupta, D. T. Grayley, D. R. Houston, H. Zhao, H. Xiao, "Distributed Coaxial Cable Sensors for in-situ Condition Based Monitoring of Coal-Fired Boiler Tubes", 39th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, Sep 19-22, 2022 (virtual)
[J38] |
A. Kothari, H. Choi, H. Zhao, P. Joseph, G. Li*, "Strain Rate Effects on Thermoplastic Composites with Mechanical Interlocking", Polymer Composites, 42(12),6332-6348, 2021(Full text)
| [J37] |
Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, B. Deng, S. Basu, L. Huang, Y. Shi*, "Design Ductile and Work-Hardenable Composites with All Brittle Constituents", Acta Materialia, 208(15),116770, 2021(Full text)
[J36] |
W. Zhu, Q. Zhang, M. Matlin, Y. Chen, Y. Wu, X. Zhu, H. Zhao, R. Pollack, H. Xiao, "Passive Digital Sensing Method and its Implementation on Passive RFID Temperature Sensors", IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020(Full text)
[J35] |
M. Rahman, H. Zhao*, "Tempearture Sensing Performance and Calibration of Bi-material Layer Structure: Role of Material Property Variation", Forces in Mechanics, 1, 100001, 2020(Full text)
[J34] |
A. Mukhopadhyay, H. Zhao, B. Li, J. Hamel, Y. Yang, D. Cao, A. Natan, H. Zhu, "Correction to Abundant Organic Dye as an Anolyte for Aqueous Flow Battery with Multielectron Transfer", ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3, 7228-7228, 2020(Full text)
[J33] |
A. Mukhopadhyay, H. Zhao, B. Li, J. Hamel, Y. Yang, D. Cao, A. Natan, H. Zhu, "Abundant Organic Dye as an Anolyte for Aqueous Flow Battery with Multielectron Transfer", ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2, 7425-7437, 2019(Full text)
[J32] |
Y. Li, C. Yu, Y. Gan, Y. Kong, P. Jiang, D.-F. Zou, P. Li, X.-F. Yu, R. Wu, H Zhao, C.-F. Gao, and J. Li, "Elastic Properties and Intrinsic Strength of Two-dimensional InSe Flakes", Nanotechnology, 30, 335703, 2019(Full text)
[J31] |
Q. Liu, S. Kim, Y. Zhu, X. Ma, S. Deng, R. Yan, H. Zhao, M. Liu*, "Ultra-sharp and surfactant-free silver nanowire for scanning tunneling microscopy and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy", Nanoscale, 11,7790-7797, 2019 (Full text)
[J30] |
B. Tang, S. K. Collings, H. Xiao, H. Zhao*, "Bi-material Strip Based Temperature Sensor Design and Optimization through Thermo-mechanical Multi-physics Modeling", International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials,10(1), 1-10, 2019 (Full text)
[J29] |
Y. Li, C. Yu, Y. Gan, P. Jiang, J. Yu, Y. Ou, D-F Zou, C. Huang, J. Wang, T. Jia, Q. Luo, X-F Yu, H. Zhao*, C-F Gao*, and J. Li*, "Mapping Elastic Property of Two-dimensional MoS_2 Quantitatively via Bimodal Atomic Force Microscopy and Finite Elmenet Simulation", NPG Computational Materials, 4, 49, 2018 (Full text)
[J28] |
Y. Gan, H. Zhao*, "First Principles Study of Helium Cluster Induced Local Strain Effects near the Oxygen-enriched Nanoclusters in Fe-based ALloys", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 510, 270-276, 2018(Full text)
[J27] |
W. Li*, J. Chen, H. Zhao*, G. Li*, "Heat Flux Induced Coherent Vibration of H-Shaped Single Layer Graphene Structure", Nanoscale, 10(3), 1432-1439, 2018
(Full text)
[J26] |
C. Hu, P. Ni, L. Zhan, H. Zhao, J. He, T. M. Tritt, J. Huang, and B. G. Sumpter, "Theoretical Investigations of Electrical Transport Properties in CoSb3 Skutterudites Under Hydrostatic Loadings", Rare Metals, 1-10, 2018.(Full text)
[J25] |
Q. Mao, L. Yang, X. Geng, L. Chen, B. Sapkota, H. Zhao*, H. Zhu, "Interface Strain Induced Hydrophobic Facet Suppression in Cellulose Nanocomposite Embedded with Highly Oxidized Monolayer Graphene Oxide", Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1700995, 2017(Full text)
[J24] |
C. Hu, X. Zeng, Y. Liu, M. Zhou, H. Zhao, T. M. Tritt, J. He, J. Jackwski, P. R. C. Kent, J. Huang, B. G. Sumpter, "Effects of partial La filling and Sb vacancy defects on CoSb_3 skutterudites", Physical Review B, 95, 165204, 2017 (Full text)
[J23] |
Y. Gan, K. Mo, D. Yun, D. T. Hoelzer, Y. Miao, X. Liu, K-C Lan, J-S Park, J. Almer, T. Chen, and H. Zhao*, "Temperature effect of elastic anisotropy and internal strain development in advanced nanostructured alloys: An in-situ synchrotron X-ray investigation", Materials Science and Engineering: A, 692, 53-61, 2017 (Full text)
[J22] |
I. B. Ozsoy*, H. Choi, P. Joseph, G. Li, I. Luzinov, and H. Zhao, "Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites with Interfacial Microarchitectural Anchoring: Computational Study", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 112, 54-64, 2017 (Full text)
[J21] |
Y. Yu, H. Zhao, and G. Li, "A Quasi-continuum Thermomechanical Model for Phonon Damping Analysis of Single Crystal Silicon Nano-resonators", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,106 491-502, 2017 (Full text)
[J20] |
S. S. Rao, M. Liu, F. Peng, B. Zhang, and H. Zhao*, "Signal Sensitivity of Alternating Current Potential Drop Measurement for Crack Detection of Conductive Substrate with Tunable Coating Materials through Finite Elmement Modeling", Measurement Science and Technology, 27(12) 125004, 2016 (Full text)
[J19] |
Y. Gan, H. Zhao*, "Chirality and Vacancy Effect on Phonon Dispersion of MoS2 with Strain", Physics Letters A, 380 745-752, 2016 (Full text)
[J18] |
J. Lin, K. Mo, D. Yun, Y. Miao, X. Liu, H. Zhao, D. T. Hoelzer, J-S. Park, J. Almer, G. Zhang, Z. Zhou, J. F. Stubbins, A. M. Yacout, D. T. Hoelzer, D. Yun, "In situ Synchrotron Tensile Investigations on 14YWT, MA957, and 9-Cr ODS Alloys", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 471 289-298, 2016 (Full text)
[J17] |
Y. Gan, H. Zhao*, D. T. Hoelzer, D. Yun, "Energetic Study of Helium Cluster Nucleation and Growth in 14YWT through First Principles", Materials, 9(1) 17, 2016 (invited) (Full text)
[C3] |
I. B. Ozsoy, Y. Peng, P. Joseph, I. Luzinov, G. Li, H. Zhao, M. K. Ramasubramanian, "Mechanics of Mechanical Bonding in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Polymer Composites", SAMPE 2015, Baltimore, MD, May 18-21,2015.
[J16] |
C. Li, G. Li, H. Zhao*, "Thermal Conductivity Variation of Graphene with Patterned Double-side Hydrogen Doping", Journal of Applied Physics, 118 075102, 2015 (Full text)
[J15] |
I. B. Ozsoy*, G. Li, H. Choi, H. Zhao, "Shape Effects on Nanoparticle Engulfment for Metal Matrix Nanocomposites", Journal of Crystal Growth, 422 62-68, 2015 (Full text)
[J14] |
Y. Gan, H. Zhao*, "Chirality Effect of Mechanical and Electronic Properties of Monolayer MoS2 with Vacancies", Physics Letters A, 378 2910-2914, 2014 (Full text)
[J13] |
C. Li, G. Li, H. Zhao*, "Hydrogenation Induced Deformation Mode and Thermal conductivity Variation in Graphene Sheet", CARBON, 72(46) 185-191, 2014 (Full text)
[C2] |
C. Li, G. Li, H. Zhao*, "A Molecular Dynamics Study about Two Way Tuning of Thermal Conductivity in Graphene Sheets: Strain and Doping", IEEENano 2013, Beijing, China, Aug 5 - Aug 8, 2013 (P & A) (Full text).
[J12] |
H. Zhao*, "Strain and Chirality Effects on the Mechanical and Electronic Properties of Silicene and Silicane under Uniaxial Tension", Physics Letters A, 376(46) 3546-3550, 2012 (Full text)
Before 2012
[J11] |
H. Zhao, C. L. Fu, M. Krcmar, and M. Miller, "Effect of Strain on the Stabilization of Oxygen-enriched Nanoclusters in Fe-based Alloys", Physical Review B, 84 144115, 2011 (Full text)
[J10] |
H. Zhao, and N. R. Aluru, "Temperature and Strain-rate Dependent Fracture Strength of Graphene", Journal of Applied Physics 108 1064321, 2010 (Full text)
[J9] |
H. Zhao, K. Min and N. R. Aluru, "Size and Chirality Dependent Mechanical Properties of Graphene Nanoribbon", Nano Letters 9(8) 3012-3015, 2009 (Full text)
[J8] |
H. Zhao, and N. R. Aluru, "Size and Surface Orientation Effects on Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Silicon Nanostructures", Journal of Applied Physics 105(10) 104309, 2009 (Full text)
[J7] |
H. Zhao, and N. R. Aluru, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Bulk Silicon under Strain", Journal of Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics 1(2) 303-315, 2008 (Full text)
[J6] |
H. Zhao, and N. R. Aluru, "A Semi-local Quasi-harmonic Model to Compute the Thermodynamic and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Nanostructures", Journal of Physics: Condense Matter 19(22) 226202, 2007 (Full text)
[J5] |
H. Zhao, Z. Tang, G. Li and N. R. Aluru, "Quasi-harmonic Models for the Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties of Crystalline Silicon under Strain", Journal of Applied Physics 99(6) 064314, 2006 (Full text)
[J4] |
Z. Tang, H. Zhao, G. Li and N. R. Aluru, "Finite-temperature Quasi-continuum Method for Multi-scale Analysis of Silicon Nanostructures", Physical Review B 74(6) 064110, 2006 (Full text)
[J3] |
L. Liu, M. Duan,C. Liu, and H. Zhao, "On the Physical Nature of the Paris Law", ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 35(2) 2003 (Full text in Chinese)
[J2] |
H. Zhao, Z. Zhuang, and Q. Zheng, "Test and Simulation for Large Deformed Torsion and Plastic Hardening", ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 34(5) 803, 2002 (Full text in Chinese)
[J1] |
M. Wang, H. Zhao, Z. Lou, and Z. Zhuang, "An Analysis for the Deformation of Bucket Foundation of Offshore Platform", China Offshore Platform 16(2) 7-10, 2001 (Full text in Chinese)
[C1] |
H. J. Zhao, Z. Zhuang, Q. S. Zheng, "Study for Plastic Hardening-Large Deformed Torsion Test and Simulation", Key Engineering Materials, 243, 207, 2003 (A)
[B1] |
Zhuang Zhuo, Zhao Huijuan and Lu Jianfeng etc. "Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures" (written by Ted Belytschko, Wing Kam Liu and Brian Moran), in Chinese Version, Tsinghua Press, 2003. |