R. Natu, M. Islam, D. Keck and R. Martinez-Duarte “Automated “pick and transfer” of targeted cells using dielectrophoresis“, Lab-on-a-Chip, 19, 2512-2525 (2019). Accepted Manuscript
R. Natu, “Investigating the use of Streaming and Robotic Dielectrophoresis to enable continuous cell sorting and automatic cell transfer in sample preparation” PhD Dissertation, Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University (2018).
R. Natu, M. Islam and R. Martinez-Duarte, “Conical carbon electrodes for single-cell manipulation” Proceedings of the ASME 2015 IMECE: Houston, TX Nov. 13-19, Volume 3: Biomedical and Biotechnology Engineering, V003T03A077 (2015). Accepted Manuscript