Candida spp.

D. Keck “A Multifunctional Tool for the Electrokinetic Manipulation and
Characterization of Cells” PhD Dissertation, Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University (2021).

M. Islam, D. Keck, J. Gilmore and R. Martinez-Duarte “Characterization of the dielectrophoretic response of different Candida strains using 3D carbon microelectrodesMicromachines, 11 (3), 255-267 (2020).

R. Natu, M. Islam, D. Keck and R. Martinez-Duarte “Automated “pick and transfer” of targeted cells using dielectrophoresis“, Lab-on-a-Chip, 19, 2512-2525 (2019). Accepted Manuscript

R. Natu, M. Islam, R. Martinez-Duarte “Nondimensional Streaming Dielectrophoresis Number for a System of Continuous Particle SeparationAnalytical Chemistry, 91 (7), 4357-4367 (2019). Accepted Manuscript

M. Islam, J. Gilmore, K. Wallace, and R. Martinez-Duarte, “Dielectrophoretic characterization of Candida species with 3D carbon electrodes towards separation and species-specific diagnosis”, microTAS 2017; Savannah, GA, in press (2017). Accepted Manuscript

G. Mernier, R. Martinez-Duarte, R. Lehal, F. Radtke and P. Renaud, “Very High throughput electrical cell lysis and extraction of intracellular compounds using 3D carbon electrodes in lab-on-a-chip devicesMicromachines, 3, 574-581 (2012). Open Access.