Archived Projects2023-05-04T14:57:54-04:00

Cange Municipal Water Project

2009 - 2012

The first and keystone project of CEDC: the Cange Municipal Water Project is a water treatment and distribution project for the village of Cange. This 1.2 million dollar project was financed by the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina (EDUSC) as part of their "Partnership Cange" relationship and serves roughly 10,000 people with potable water ...
Categories: 2009, Archived Projects, Projects|Tags: , |

Center of Excellence

The work and impact that Clemson Engineers for Developing Countries has had in Haiti are unique in their breadth and effectiveness. While the work that has been done has been successful, much more work still needs to be done in order to improve the overall quality of life in Haiti to international standards. Based on this premise, CEDC has an opportunity to expand and continue its work in order to positively affect even more communities. In order to accomplish this, our mission is to establish a living-learning Center of Excellence in the Central Plateau of Haiti to be a base through which CEDC can continue its work and a model that addresses global challenges and sustainable development goals.

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Concrete Masonry Unit

The Concrete Masonry Unit project (CMU) aims to establish a reliable and economical production model for CMU produced in Haiti’s Central Plateau that includes recommendations for souring materials, manufacturing, and distribution, as well as a testing mechanism that is appropriate, consistent, and easy to operate. The project draws inspiration from the catastrophic earthquake that occurred in Haiti in 2010.

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DIY Water Filter

Due to the limited amount of resources and lack of advanced tools in rural Haiti, clean water is a luxury many simply cannot afford. Many different communities do not have the financial ability to have a properly working water filter. This is where the DIY Water Filter team steps in. The main goal is to help provide a simple, yet effective water filter that can be developed using the materials in Haiti that are cheap and inexpensive.

Categories: Archived Projects, Projects|

Ecole Bon Saveur Latrines

2014 - 2015

Construction for the latrines for the Ecole Bon Saveur school started in 2014 and was completed in 2015. This major project provided flush toilets and urinals for the hundreds of students who attend this local Episcopal school in Cange. Prior to their completion, all ...
Categories: 2014, Archived Projects, Projects|Tags: |

Grand Savane

The Grand Savane is a 105-acre plateau, resting 800 feet above the village of Cange in the Central Plateau of Haiti. This plateau cycles through seasonal drought caused by the drastic change in rainfall that can be observed for half of the year. The large change in rainfall prevents farmers of Cange and surrounding areas to have year-round income and produce higher yields.

Categories: Archived Projects, Haiti, Projects|Tags: |
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