EPA’s Air Sensor Loan Pilot Program Webinar

Access to real-time data from air sensors can help users better understand air pollution and ways to reduce their exposures. To raise interest and awareness of air quality issues, while simultaneously understanding that air sensors remain inaccessible to numerous potential users, EPA’s Office of Research and Development in collaboration with EPA regional offices piloted a set of air sensor loan programs to promote environmental education. This webinar will briefly highlight the pilot air sensor loan programs that EPA launched through partnerships with local organizations in EPA Regions 5, 9 and 10. Additionally, newly developed resources to support these programs will be highlighted including five fully developed hands-on lesson plans that can be used for group or individual instruction for elementary through adult learners. The presentation will discuss lessons learned and best practice suggestions for others interested in developing and offering similar air sensor loan programs in the future.

When: July 13, 2022 from 3-4 PM ET

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