Pollution Prevention Webinar Series: A Safer and More Sustainable Option for Your Facility’s Water Treatment

Why treat water? Preventing scale, corrosion and microbial fouling keeps your cooling towers and boilers running efficiently and helps to prolong this equipment’s life. This protection has been provided in the form of hazardous liquid water treatment since the 1960’s. Webinar speakers will provide an overview of innovative technology and will introduce a safer, more … Read more

Circular Economy: Tapping the Power of Wastewater Webinar

Description Wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) consume large amounts of energy, estimated at between 1% and 3% of global energy output. State-of-the-art facilities consume 20-45 kWh per population equivalent (PE) connected. The target value for WWTPs in German federal states such as North Rhine Westphalia is 20-26 kWh/PE but smaller and older facilities tend to consume … Read more

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Pollution Prevention (P2) newsletter

Welcome to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Pollution Prevention (P2) newsletter! Through this newsletter, we will provide information on upcoming events, as well as tools and resources to help implement and improve P2 initiatives. In This Issue: Upcoming P2 Webinars P2 and Greener Products Resources Success Story Employee Spotlight Upcoming P2 Webinars Part II: … Read more

Navigating the Hierarchy of Food Recovery Webinar Series

Title:           Navigating the Hierarchy of Food Recovery – Part 4: Beyond the Hierarchy Date:          Thursday, March 11, 2021Time:          1:00 p.m. Central Standard Time The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation – Office of Policy and Sustainable Practices (OPSP) invites you to join us for the … Read more

Microplastics in the Wastewater Stream Webinar

March 10, 2021 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. (EST) Plastic manufacturing for consumer use began after WWII. Since then, plastic consumption has changed the way we use and view tools in our environment. With plastic being incorporated into consumer habits, small anthropogenic litter has accumulated in our waters and soils. The study of wastewater treatment … Read more