Science As Art Showcase 2023:
The MuthComp group created artworks based on our simulation results for visual representation of science and technology and participated in the Science-As-Art Showcase 2023 at Clemson University. After the one-day showcase event, these selected artworks are displaying in the Cooper Library of Clemson University for 4 months to introduce the idea of computational thinking to general students and families through art.
Artisphere Festival 2022:
The MuthComp group participated in the 3-day Annual Artisphere Festival at Greenville. As part of the Clemson University’s STEAM Exhibit, the MuthComp booth has served more than 100 families with kids to have their first ever supercomputer experience using Clemson’s Palmetto cluster. Kids and adults experienced themselves the power of Clemson’s supercomputer by performing a hand-on tutorial of high-performance scientific computing and playing with their own 3D simulation movies.
Playing particles is cool!
Multibody interaction among particles produces the complexity of the world.

Surface tension minimizes the surface area.
Interfacial force and viscous force are dominant at small scales.

Loading images directly into computational systems.
Arbitrary-shape boundary method allows construction of a model system with complex 3D geometries directly from loading a graphical image.

Smart Materials.
Thermally induced phase transition of temperature-sensitive microgels.

Self-cleaning mechanism.
Surface energy released upon droplet coalescence can lead to self-cleaning of hydrophobic surfaces.

Reactive mesoscopic model for studying biophysics.
Time evolution of the fibrin concentration in the dynamic process of blood coagulation in flowing blood.