Department of Mechanical Engineering
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634
Tel: 864 656-7225
Fax: 864 656-4435
Email: ctong at clemson. edu


Ph.D., Cornell University, 1995
ME, Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1986
BE,  Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1983

Professional Experience

Clemson University, 2009-present, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Clemson University, 2005-2009, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Clemson University, 1999-2005, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Pennsylvania State University, 1995-1999, Research Associate


National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award (2001).
Clemson University Board of Trustee Faculty Excellence Award (2002)

Research Interests

Turbulent mixing, turbulent combustion, atmospheric boundary layer, subgrid-scale
modeling for large-eddy simulation, fine-scale turbulence structure.
Professor Tong's research on turbulent combustion focuses on subgrid-scale mixing and
turbulence-chemistry interaction, especially on the SGS physics related to filtered density function
methods for large-eddy simulation of turbulent combustion. He made the first measurement of the filtered
density function, discovering two limiting SGS mixing regimes, which have important implications for
developing mixing models capable of predicting all combustion regimes.
His research on atmospheric turbulence currently focuses on the recent multi-point Monin-Obukhov
similarity theory, which he developed in 2015. The fundamental theory for understanding
and modeling the surface layer of the atmospheric boundary layer has been been the Monin-Obukhov
similarity theory (MOST) since its inception in 1954. However, it has been known since the late 1950s that
MOST has some major shortcomings, rendering its surface layer similarity incomplete. A resolution of the issues
has eluded the boundary layer community for more than 50 years. Dr. Tong recently developed a generalized
theory, the multi-point Monin-Obukhov similarity theory, overcoming the limitations of MOST and making
the surface-layer similarity complete. The multi-point Monin-Obukhov similarity theory provides a new
theoretical framework for understanding and modeling the surface layer, and is expected to have important
impacts on the applications in the boundary layer. He is now leading a major collaborative NSF project (M^2HATS)
to further develop the theory and to conduct extensive field measurements to test and calibrate the theory.

ClemsonNews on the NSF project

Selected Publications

49. Tong, C. 2024 Boundary layer thickness and friction velocity by symmetry arguments.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 204001.

48. Li, W., Yuan, M., Carter, C. D., and Tong, C. 2021 Investigation of three-scalar subgrid-scale
mixing in turbulent coaxial jets.
J. Fluid Mech. 924, A40.

47. Yuan, M., Zhang, H. and Tong, C. 2021 Investigation of scalar-scalar-gradient filtered
joint density function for large eddysimulation of turbulent combustion
Phys. Fluids 133, 035121.

46. Ding, M. and Tong, C. 2021 Multi-point Monin-Obukhov similarity of turbulence cospectra in the
convective atmospheric boundary layer
Boundary Layer Meteorol. 178, 185--199.

45. Tong, C. and Ding, M. 2020 Velocity-defect laws, log law and logarithmic friction law in the
convective atmospheric boundary layer
J. Fluid Mech. 883, A36.

44. Tong, C. and Ding, M. 2019 Multi-point Monin-Obukhov similarity in the convective
atmospheric surface layer using matched asymptotic expansions.
J. Fluid Mech. 864, 640-669.

43. Tong, C. and Ding, M.2018 Monin-Obukhov similarity and local-free-convection scaling
in the atmospheric boundary layer using matched asymptotic expansions
J. Atmos. Sci.  75, 3691-3701.

42. Ding, M., Nguyen, K. X., Liu, S., Otte, M. J. and Tong, C. 2018 Investigation of the pressure-strain-rate
correlation and pressure fuctuations in convective and near neutral atmospheric surface layers.

J. Fluid Mech. 854, 88-120.

41. Li, W., Yuan, M., Carter, C. D., and Tong, C. 2017 Experimental investigation of the effects
of mean shear and scalar initial scale length scale on three scalar mixing in turbulent coaxial jets.

J. Fluid Mech. 817, 183-216.

40. Oncley, S. P., Hartogensis, O, and Tong, C. 2016 Whirlwinds and Hairpins in the Atmospheric
Surface Layer.
J. Atmos. Sci.  73, 4927-4943.

39. Tong, C. and Nguyen, K. X. 2015 Multipoint Monin-Obukhov similarity and its application
to turbulence spectra in the convective atmospheric surface layer
J. Atmos. Sci.  72, 4337-4348.

38. Liu, S. and Tong, C. 2015 Investigaton of subgrid-scale mixing of reactive scalar
perturbations from flamelet in turbulent partially premixed flames
. Combust. Flame  162, 4149-4157.

37. Nguyen, K. X. and Tong, C. 2015 Investigation of subgrid-scale physics in the convective
atmospheric surface layer using the budgets of the conditional mean subgrid-scale stress and
temperature flux.
J. Fluid Mech.  772, 295-329.

36. Nguyen, K. X., Horst, T. W., Oncley, S. P., and Tong, C. 2013 Measurements of the budgets of the
subgrid-scale stress and temperature flux in a convective atmospheric surface layer.

J. Fluid Mech.  729, 388-422.

35. Liu, S. amd Tong, C., 2013 Subgrid-scale mixing of mixture fraction, temperature, and species mass
fractions in turbulent partially premixed flames.
Proc. Combust. Inst. 34, 1231-1239. Supplimental Materials

34. Cai, J., Dinger, M. J., Li, W., Carter, C. D. Ryan, M. D., and Tong, C. 2011 Experimental
study of three scalar mixing in a turbulent coaxial jet.
J. Fluid Mech. 685, 495-531.

33. Cai, J., Barlow, R. S., Karpetis, A. N., and Tong, C., 2011 Conditionally filtered diffusion
of mixture fraction and temperature in turbulent partially premixed flames.
Proc. Combust. Inst. 33,

32. Zhao, Y. Tong, C. and Ma, L. 2011 Kinetics of I2 and HI photodissociation with implications
in flame diagnostics. Appl. Phys. B. 104, 689-698.

31. Chen, Q., Liu, S., and Tong, C. 2010 Investigation of subgrid-scale fluxes and their production
rates in a convective atmospheric boundary layer using measurement data.
J. Fluid Mech., 660,

30. Cai, J., Barlow, R. S., Karpetis, A. N., and Tong, C. 2010 Noise correction and length scale
estimation for scalar dissipation rate measurements in turbulent partially premixed flames.

Flow Turbul. Combust. 85, 309-332.

29. Zhao, Y. Tong, C. and Ma, L. 2009 Demonstration of a new laser diagnostic based on
photodissociation spectroscopy for imaging mixture fraction in a non-premixed flame.
Appl. Spectrosc.64, 377-383.

28. Chen, Q., Otte, M.J., Sullivan, P.P., and Tong, C. 2009 A posteriori subgrid-scale model tests
based on the conditional means of subgrid-scale stress and its production rate.

J. Fluid Mech.  626, 149-181.

27. Cai, J. and Tong C. 2009 A conditional sampling-based method for noise and resolution corrections
for scalar dissipation rate measurements.
  Phys. Fluids 21, 065104.

26. Cai, J, Wang, D., Tong, C., Barlow, R.S., and Karpetis, A.N. 2009 Investigation of subgrid-scale
mixing of mixture fraction and temperature in turbulent partially premixed flames.
Combust. Inst. 32, 1533-1541.

25. Zhao, Y. Tong, C. and Ma, L. 2009 Assessment of a novel flow visualization technique using
photodissociation spectroscopy.  Appl. Spectrosc. 63,199-206.

24. Wang, D., Tong, C., Barlow, R.S., and Karpetis, A.N. 2007 Experimental study of scalar filtered
mass density function in turbulent partially premixed flames.
Proc. Combust. Inst. 31, 1517-1525.

23. Chen, Q. and Tong, C. 2006 Invesitgation of subgrid-scale stress and it sproduction rate in a
convective atmospheric boundary layer.
  J. Fluid Mech. 547, 65-104.

22. Chen, Q., Wang, D., Zhang, H. and Tong, C. 2005 Investigation of scale dependences of subgrid-scale
scalar flux and its production rate.  J. Turbulence 6, 36.

21. Wang, D. and Tong, C. 2005 Experimental study of velocity-scalar filtered joint density function
for LES of turbulent  combustion.
  Proc. Combust. Inst. 30, 567-574.

20. Wang, D., Tong, C. and Pope, S. B. 2004 Experimental investigation of velocity filtered joint density
function for large eddy simulation.  Phys. Fluids 16, 3599-3613.

19. Zhang, H. and Tong, C. 2004 On conditional scalar increment and joint velocity-scalar increment
statistics, New J. Phys. 6 (Focus issue on turbulence), 38.

18. Grujicic, M., Zhao, C. L., Tong, C., DeRosset, W. S., and Helfritch, D. 2003 Analysis of the impact
velocity of power particles in the cold-gas dynamic-spray process. Mater. Sci. Eng. A368, 222-230.

17. Grujicic, M., Tong, C., DeRosset, W.S., and Helfritch, D. 2003 Flow analysis and nozzle-shpae
optimization for the cold-gas dynamic-spray process.  Proc. Instn. Engrs. 217, 1603.

16. Chen, Q., Zhang, H., Wang, D., and Tong, C. 2003 Subgrid-scale stress and its production rate:
Conditions for resolvable-scale velocity probability density function. J. Turbulence  4, 29.

15. Tong, C. 2003 Galilean invariance of velocity probability density function transport equation.
 Phys. Fluids 15, 2073-2076.

14. Zhang, H. and Tong, C. 2003 On conditional velocity-increment statistics. Phys. Fluids 15, 1676-1686.

13. Rajagopalan, A. G. and Tong, C. 2003 Experimental investigation of scalar-scalar-dissipation filtered
joint density function and its transport equation. Phys. Fluids 15, 227-244.

12. Wang, D. and Tong, C. 2002 Conditionally filtered scalar dissipation, scalar diffusion, and velocity
in a turbulent jet. Phys. Fluids 14, 2170-2185.

11. Tong, C. 2001 Measurements of conserved scalar filtered density function in a turbulent jet.
Phys. Fluids 13, 2923-2937.

10. Tong, C., Wyngaard, J.C., and Brasseur, J.G. 1999 Experimental study of subgrid-scale stress in the
atmospheric surface layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 2277-2292.

9. Miller, D.O., Tong, C., and Wyngaard, J.C. 1999 The effects of probe-induced flow distortion on
velocity covariances: Field observation. Boundary Layer Meteorol. 91, 483-493.

8. Tong, C., Wyngaard, J.C., Khanna, S. and Brasseur, J.G. 1998 Resolvable-and subgrid-scale
 measurement in the atmospheric surface layer: technique and issues. J. Atmos. Sci. 55, 3135-3147.

7. Tong, C. 1997 Spectra of heat-flux and stress fluctuations in the atmospheric surface layer.
J. Atmos. Sci. 54, 1277-1284.

6. Tong, C. 1996 Taylor's hypothesis and two-point coherence measurements. Boundary-Layer
 Meteorol. 81, 399-410.

5. Tong, C. and Wyngaard, J.C. 1996  Two-point coherence in the atmospheric surface layer.
 Boundary-Layer Meteorol.  81, 105-121.

4. Tong, C. and Warhaft, Z. 1995 Scalar dispersion and mixing in a jet. J. Fluid Mech. 292, 1-38.

3. Tong, C. and Warhaft, Z. 1994 On passive scalar derivative statistics in grid turbulence.
 Phys. Fluids. 6,  2165-2176.

2. Jayesh, Tong, C. and Warhaft, Z. 1994 On Temperature spectra in grid turbulence.
 Phys. Fluids 6, 306-312.

1. Tong, C. and Warhaft, Z. 1994 Turbulence suppression in a jet by means of a fine ring.
 Phys. Fluids. 6,  328-333.

Graduate Research Assistants

Mengyuan Yuan, Ph.D. student
Mengjie Ding, Ph.D. student

Former Graduate Student

Wei Li, (Ph.D.)
Khuong Ngyuan (Ph.D.)
Shuaishuai Liu (Ph.D.)
Jian Cai (Ph.D.)
Matthew J. Dinger
Xingshi Wang
Qinglin Chen (Ph.D. )
Danhong Wang  (Ph.D.)
Hengbin Zhang
Yongchang Ma
Anand Rajagopalan

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Michael Wells
Khuong Ngyuan
Matt Dinger
Dale DeCola
Arpan Shah
Daniel Lowe
Robert Lee
David Mathis
Brandon Tompkins