Carbon MEMS from SU-8 photoresist

S. Muhamed “Assessing Temperature Differences on a sample heated in a tube furnace under vacuum” MS Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University  (2018).

R. Natu, M. Islam, J. Gilmore and R. Martinez-Duarte, “Shrinkage of SU-8 microstructures during carbonizationJournal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 131, 17-27 (2018).  Accepted Manuscript

E. Giogli, “Fabricating Suspended Carbon Structures Using SU-8 Photolithography” MS, Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University (2016).  PDF

R. Natu, M. Islam and R. Martinez-Duarte, “Shrinkage Analysis of Carbon Micro Structures Derived from SU-8 Photoresist”. ECS Transactions, 72 (1), 27-33 (2016). Accepted Manuscript

E. Giogli, M. Islam and R. Martinez-Duarte, “Fabricating Suspended Carbon Wires Using SU-8 Photolithography”. ECS Transactions, 72 (1), 125-134 (2016) Accepted Manuscript

T. Benavidez, R. Martinez-Duarte and C. Garcia, “Analytical Methodologies Using Carbon Substrates developed by PyrolysisAnalytical Methods, 8, 4163-4176(2016). Invited Review. Front Cover.

R. Martinez-Duarte, “SU-8 Photolithography as a Toolbox for Carbon MEMS”. Micromachines, 5, (3), 766-782 (2014). Invited Review published in the special issue: 15 years of SU-8 as MEMS material. Open Access

J. Schroers, G. Kumar, M. Madou and R. Martinez-Duarte, “Carbon molds for use in the Fabrication of Bulk Metallic Glasses Parts and Molds” WO/2010/111701, US 2012/0125071 A1.

J.-I. Heo, D.-S. Shim, R. Martinez-Duarte, M. Madou and H. Shin, “3-D Carbon Interdigitated Array Nanoelectrodes for sensing neurotransmitters” Proceedings of microTAS; Gronigen, The Netherlands (10/2010).

R. Martinez-Duarte, G. Turon Teixidor, P. Mukherjee, Q. Kang and M. J. Madou,
Perspectives of Micro and Nanofabrication of Carbon for Electrochemical and Microfluidic Applications” in Microfluidics and Microfabrication edited by S. Chakraborty, Springer, 181-263 (2009). PDF

R. Martinez-Duarte “Fabrication of Carbon Micro Molds”, MS, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Irvine (2009). PDF

R. Martinez-Duarte, M. J. Madou, G. Kumar and J. Schroers, “A novel method for Amorphous Metal Micromolding using Carbon MEMS” Proceedings of Transducers: Denver, CO (06/2009).