Recent and Current Research Activities
Recent and Current Research Activities
- Structure-process-property relations in polymer blends
- Computational modeling of multicomponent melts and mixing
- Extrusion and properties of very highly multilayered films
(1000s to 10,000s of layers)
- Chaotic advection/mixing to create novel polymer blends and composites
- Creation of electrically conducting plastics with particle and
fiber additives
- Nanoscale polymer blends
- Nanocomposites
- Functional plastic materials
- Plastics recycling
- Permeation in barrier films and membranes
- Blend morphological changes during extrusion processes
- Fundamental studies of chaotic advection and chaotic mixing
- Modeling of non-Newtonian flows
- Computational heat transfer modeling
- Solidification of structured melts
- Convective heat and mass transfer, transport phenomena
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