Lean Approaches for Water Efficiency Webinar

The Division of Compliance Assistance (DCA) and the Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center (KPPC) invite you to participate in the Kentucky Pollution Prevention Partnership’s upcoming webinar entitled: “Lean Approaches to Water Efficiency”. This webinar will provide training on lean manufacturing principles and practices and show how they can be applied to improve water efficiency. In addition, best practices in water efficiency within distilleries and breweries will be presented. This webinar is a follow-on to the Spring 2020 webinar entitled Sustainable Water Consumption for Spirits, Brewing, and Wine-Making, a recording of which is available on KPPC’s website. This previous webinar discussed baselining and benchmarking water use, as well as mapping water use throughout the production process. Participants in this webinar will learn the approaches and best practices that lead to improved water efficiency.

Topics that will be covered include:

• Water Use Ratio’s in Kentucky Distilleries and Breweries
• Lean Manufacturing Principles
• Application of lean principles to improve water efficiency
• Examples of best practices in water efficiency

Who should attend?
• Facility managers and owners
• Environmental, health and safety professionals
• Representatives of the winery, distillery, and brewery industries
• Production and process engineers

Thu, Oct 29, 2020 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

Link for registration

View the recording here