

Concrete Masonry Unit

The Concrete Masonry Unit project (CMU) aims to establish a reliable and economical production model for CMU produced in Haiti’s Central Plateau that includes recommendations for souring materials, manufacturing, and distribution, as well as a testing mechanism that is appropriate, consistent, and easy to operate. The project draws inspiration from the catastrophic earthquake that occurred in Haiti in 2010.

Center of Excellence

The work and impact that Clemson Engineers for Developing Countries has had in Haiti are unique in their breadth and effectiveness. While the work that has been done has been successful, much more work still needs to be done in order to improve the overall quality of life in Haiti to international standards. Based on this premise, CEDC has an opportunity to expand and continue its work in order to positively affect even more communities. In order to accomplish this, our mission is to establish a living-learning Center of Excellence in the Central Plateau of Haiti to be a base through which CEDC can continue its work and a model that addresses global challenges and sustainable development goals.


Those living in developing countries often do not have a proper way to dispose and treat human waste, leading to rampant spread of diseases such as cholera. In Haiti, most people openly defecate or use pit latrines. Because of this, fecal matter contaminates the water supply. Biodigesters provide a way to sustainably treat waste and prevent disease. They retain and break down solid waste through anaerobic digestion and then release methane and a nutrient-rich effluent.


Aquaculture in Haiti has the potential to provide a sustainable food source for the high number of individuals who are extremely food insecure. There are multiple fish farms owned by community members in Ba Cange, located in the Central Plateau of Haiti. Aquaculture in Haiti primarily takes the form of the small-scale farming of pink and gray Tilapia. There are many fish farmers operating in this area, however the scales and operational procedures of these farms vary greatly. Despite utilizing all of their available resources, these farms are producing at only a fraction of their potential.

2022-11-02T12:46:30-04:00Haiti, Projects|


Zanmi Lasante is currently reliant on the Haitian grid, which can be unreliable with frequent power outages, and a diesel generator, which is expensive for its electricity. In order to address the inconsistent and expensive electricity, our mission as the hydropower group is to develop a reliable, consistent, and safe source of power for Cange by using the water pressure from the nearby spring.

Morne Michel School Repairs


In 2015, CEDC and Trinity Cathedral in Columbia, SC worked together to repair the St. Jean School at the village of Morne Michel in the Central Plateau of Haiti. Interns worked to create a solution to the terrible drainage around the courtyard, the leaking school roof, and eroding foundation along with providing light at night ...

Ba Cange Water System


The Cange Water System carries water from Ba Cange to the greater Cange area where it is treated and distributed to the residents of the community that live along National Route 3. However, clean water is not returned to the community of Ba Cange ...

Ecole Bon Saveur Latrines

2014 - 2015

Construction for the latrines for the Ecole Bon Saveur school started in 2014 and was completed in 2015. This major project provided flush toilets and urinals for the hundreds of students who attend this local Episcopal school in Cange. Prior to their completion, all ...

Arcahaie Water System


One of CEDC’s few projects outside the Central Plateau, the Arcahaie Water System project consisted of upgrading an old water treatment system for an orphanage in Arcahaie, Haiti (just north of Port-Au-Prince). CEDC partnered with Children’s Lifeline, an NGO out of Kentucky, to finance and implement ...
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