
ME 2060: Dynamics

Course Description: Principal topics include kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies of finite size. Course covers analysis of motions of particles and rigid bodies encountered in engineering; as well as velocity, acceleration, relative motion, work, energy, impulse, and momentum. Techniques of vector mathematics are used to solve problems.

Textbook : “Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics” by Hibbeler

ME 2900/3900/4900: Creative Inquiry in Mechanical Engineering

Course Description: Students work in extended teams (including sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students) addressing research and development problems under the supervision of a faculty lead. Engineering principles and best practices will be employed. Team work, professionalism, and communication skills are emphasized.

ME H3000: Junior Honors Seminar

Course Description: Acquaints students enrolled in Departmental Honors Program with current research activities in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Faculty provide seminars in which research interests are summarized. These seminars are planned to prepare students in choosing a research topic for the senior thesis.

ME 3050: Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems

Course Description: Presents techniques for developing and analyzing models of mechanical, electrical, electromechanical, fluid and thermal systems. Transient, steady-state and frequency response are determined using analytical and numerical methods. Covers tools for stability analysis and state-space representation. Covers linear free- and forced-vibrations in single- and multi-degree-of-freedom systems with lumped-parameters representation, methods of vibration absorption and isolations.

Textbook : “System Dynamics” by Palm

ME 4020: Internship in Engineering Design

Course Description: This course focuses on creative application of general engineering knowledge in solving an open-ended design problem provided by a sponsor typically external to the University. Progress is evaluated by a faculty jury. Students present results to the jury and sponsor through written reports and oral presentations addressing University written/oral competency goals.

ME 4150/H4150: Undergraduate/Honor’s Research

Course Description: Individual research projects conducted under the direct supervision and guidance of a faculty member.

ME 4500/6500: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

Course Description: Introduction to nonlinear dynamics, with applications to physics, engineering, biology, and chemistry. Emphasizes analytical methods, concrete examples, and geometric thinking. Topics include one-dimensional systems; bifurcations; phase plane; nonlinear oscillators; and Lorenz equations, chaos, strange attractors, fractals, iterated mappings, period doubling, renormalization.

Recommended textbook : “Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos” by Strogatz

ME 8930: Hydrodynamic Stability

Course Description: Introduction to hydrodynamic stability, through mathematical modeling and physical interpretation of the classical instabilities of fluid mechanics. Topics include stability of motionless fluids; interfacial instabilities; thermal instabilities; centrifugal instabilities; stability of parallel flows, Orr-Sommerfeld equation, Rayleigh criteria; nonlinear stability, Ginzburg-Landau equation, Eckhaus secondary instability; and mathematical techniques of perturbation theory; normal modes, Floquet theory, weakly nonlinear analysis.

Recommended textbook : “Introduction to Hydrodynamic Stability” by Drazin

ME 8930: Asymptotic and Perturbation Methods in Engineering Science

Course Description: Introduction to the techniques of asymptotic analysis and perturbation methods needed to obtain reliable approximate solutions to complicated physical problems. Topics include asymptotic expansions, method of dominant balance, regular and singular perturbation methods for algebraic equations and ODEs (linear and nonlinear, IVPs and BVPs); matched asymptotic expansions and boundary layer theory, WKB theory, multiple scale techniques (two-timing, Poincare’-Lindstedt); asymptotic expansion of integrals (Laplace and Fourier type); singularities, universality, and self-similarity. The course will emphasize the use and practical application of such techniques to solve problems in fluid mechanics, elasticity, vibrations, and wave propagation.

Recommended textbook : “Perturbation Methods” by Hinch, “Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers: Asymptotic Methods and Perturbation Theory” by Bender and Orszag, “Introduction to Perturbation Methods” by Holmes