- T.L Chen, M.K. Raihan, S.M. Tabarhoseini, C.T. Gabbard, M.M. Islam, Y.H. Lee, J.B. Bostwick, L.M. Fu, and X. Xuan “Electrokinetic flow instabilities in shear-thinning fluids with conductivity gradients” Soft Matter, 21 (4), 699-707 (2025) [Link] (.pdf)
- C. Gabbard, J. Rhoads, J.M. Delhaye, and J.B. Bostwick “Scaling analysis for the frequency of Ostwaldian and Newtonian bead-on-fiber flows” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1002, A12, (2025) [Link] (.pdf)
- C. Gabbard, J. Rhoads, and J.B. Bostwick “Suppressing capillary instability in falling liquid threads” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1000, A77, (2024) [Link] (.pdf)
- C. Gabbard, E. Whitesell, and J.B. Bostwick “Coat or collapse?” Physical Review Fluids, 9 (11), 110505 (2024) [Milton van Dyke Gallery of Fluid Motion award winner] [Link] (.pdf)
- D. Ding and J.B. Bostwick “Model of Faraday waves in a cylindrical container with force detuning” Physics of Fluids, 36 (11), 112120, (2024) [Link] (.pdf)
- C. Gabbard and J.B. Bostwick, “Gravity-driven flow of liquid bridges between vertical fibers” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 997, A74 (2024) [Link] (.pdf)
- D. Ding, C. Gabbard, and J.B. Bostwick, “Dip coating of shear-thinning particulate suspensions” Soft Matter, 20 (40), 8068-8077 (2024) [Link] (.pdf)
- D. Ding, M.J. Sayyari, and J.B. Bostwick, “Parametric oscillations of the sessile drop” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 995, A3 (2024) [Link] (.pdf)
- J. Bentor, C. Gabbard, J.B. Bostwick, and X. Xuan, “Nonlinear electrophoresis of microparticles in shear thinning fluids” Langmuir, 40 (38), 20113–20119 (2024) [Link] (.pdf)
- C. Gabbard and J.B. Bostwick, “Surface-engineered microfibers provide liquid transport flexibility” Nature Chemical Engineering 1, 31–32 (2024) [News & Views] [Link] (.pdf)
- C. Gabbard and J.B. Bostwick, “Thin film flow between fibers: inertial sheets and liquid bridge patterns” Physical Review Fluids, 8 (11), 11505 (2023) [Gallery of Fluid Motion Award winner] [Link] (.pdf)
- S. Tamim and J.B. Bostwick, “Spreading of a thin droplet on a soft substrate” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 971, A32 (2023) [Link] (.pdf)
- J. McCraney, J.B. Bostwick, M. Weislogel, and P.H. Steen “Bubble migration in containers with interior corners under microgravity conditions” Experiments in Fluids, 64, 140, (2023) [Link] (.pdf)
- C. Copeland, C. Gabbard, and J.B. Bostwick “Dip coating of viscous granular suspensions” Colloids and Surfaces A, 674, 131885, (2023) [Link] (.pdf)
- C. Gabbard and J.B. Bostwick “Bead-on-fibre morphology in shear-thinning flow” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 961, A14, (2023) [Link] (.pdf)
- S.I. Tamim, T. Nichols, J. Lundbek Hansen, T. Bohr, and J.B. Bostwick “Corner universality in polygonal hydraulic jumps” Physical Review Fluids, 8 (3), L032001, (2023) [Link] (.pdf)
- J. McCraney, J. Ludwicki, V. Kern, J.B. Bostwick, S. Daniel, and P.H. Steen “Coalescence-induced droplet spreading: experiments aboard the International Space Station” Physics of Fluids, 34, 122110, (2022) [Link] (.pdf)
- V. Kern, C. Jin, J.B. Bostwick, and P.H. Steen “Oblique drop impact. Can one infer the angle of impact?” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 948, A53, (2022) [Link] (.pdf)
- J. McCraney, V. Kern, J.B. Bostwick, S. Daniel, and P.H. Steen “Oscillations of drops with mobile contact lines on the International Space Station: elucidation of terrestrial inertial droplet spreading” Physical Review Letters 129 (8), 084501 (2022) [Link] (.pdf)
- D. Ding and J.B. Bostwick “Oscillations of a partially-wetting bubble” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 945, A24 (2022) [Link] (.pdf)
- D. Ding and J.B. Bostwick “Pressure modes of the oscillating sessile drop” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 944, R1 (2022) [Link] (.pdf)
- M. Dacus, M.K. Raihan, M. Baghdady, C. Gabbard, S. Wu, J.B. Bostwick, Y. Song, and X. Xuan “Surfactant effects on microfluidic extensional flow of water and polymer solutions” Physics of Fluids 34, 032006 (2022) [Link] (.pdf)
- J. Ludwicki, V. Kern, J. McCraney, J.B. Bostwick, S. Daniel, and P.H. Steen “Is contact-line mobility a material parameter?” npj Microgravity, 8, 6, (2022) [Link] (.pdf)
- P. Wilson, X. Shao, J.R. Saylor, and J.B. Bostwick “Role of edge effects and fluid depth in azimuthal Faraday waves” Physical Review Fluids, 7 (1), 014803, (2022) [Link] (.pdf)
- J. Shaffer Brown, C. Wilson, C. Bohlen, H. Choi, L. Thompson, and J.B. Bostwick “Failure modes and bonding strength of ultrasonically-soldered glass joints” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 299, 117385, (2022) [Link] (.pdf)
- S. Tamim and J.B. Bostwick “Oscillations of a soft viscoelastic drop” npj Microgravity, 7, 42, (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- S. Tamim and J.B. Bostwick, “Model of spontaneous droplet transport on a soft viscoelastic substrate with nonuniform thickness” Physical Review E, 104, 034611 (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- V.R. Kern, J.B. Bostwick, and P.H. Steen “Drop impact on solids: Contact-angle hysteresis filters impact energy into modal vibrations” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 923, A5 (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- J. McCraney, J.B. Bostwick, and P.H. Steen “Resonant mode scanning to compute the spectrum of capillary surfaces with dynamic wetting effects” Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 129, 10 (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- M.K. Raihan, P.P. Jagdale, S. Wu, X. Shao, J.B. Bostwick, X. Pan, and X. Xuan “Flow of non-Newtonian fluids in a single-cavity microchannel” Micromachines, 12 (7), 836 (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- C. Gabbard and J.B. Bostwick “Scaling analysis of the Plateau–Rayleigh instability in thin film flow down a fiber” Experiments in Fluids, 62, 141 (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- X. Shao, P. Wilson, J.B. Bostwick, and J.R. Saylor “Viscoelastic effects in circular edge waves” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 919, A18 (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- S. Tamim and J.B. Bostwick “Plateau-Rayleigh instability in a soft viscoelastic material” Soft Matter, 17, 4170-4179 (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- C. Gabbard and J.B. Bostwick “Asymmetric instability in thin-film flow down a fiber” Physical Review Fluids, 6 (3) 034005 (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- X. Shao, P. Wilson, J.R. Saylor, and J.B. Bostwick “Surface wave pattern formation in a cylindrical container” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 915, A19 (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- X. Shao, C. Gabbard, J.B. Bostwick, and J.R. Saylor “On the role of meniscus geometry in capillary wave generation” Experiments in Fluids, 62, 59 (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- S. Wu, M. Raihan, L. Song, X. Shao, J.B. Bostwick, L. Yu, X. Pan, and X. Xuan “Polymer effects on viscoelastic fluid flows in a planar constriction microchannel” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 290, 104508 (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- C. Wilson, L. Thompson, H. Choi, and J.B. Bostwick “Enhanced wettability in ultrasonic-assisted soldering to glass substrates” Journal of Manufacturing Processes 64, 276-284 (2021) [Link] (.pdf)
- X. Shao, G. Bevilacqua, P. Ciarletta, J.R. Saylor, and J.B. Bostwick “Experimental observation of Faraday waves in soft gels” Physical Review E, 102, 060602(R) (2020) [Link] (.pdf)
- B. Basso and J.B. Bostwick “Splashing on soft elastic substrates” Langmuir, 36 (49) 15010-15017 (2020) [Link] (.pdf)
- G. Bevilacqua, X. Shao, J.R. Saylor, J.B. Bostwick, and P. Ciarletta “Faraday waves in soft elastic solids” Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 476 20200129 (2020) [Link] (.pdf)
- S. Tamim and J.B. Bostwick “A dynamic analysis of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in soft solids” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 40 100940 (2020) [Link] (.pdf)
- T. Nichols and J.B. Bostwick “Geometry of polygonal hydraulic jumps and the role of hysteresis” Physical Review Fluids, 5 (4) 044005 (2020) [Link] (.pdf)
- X. Shao, S. Fredericks, J.R. Saylor, and J.B. Bostwick “A method for determining surface tension, viscosity, and elasticity of gels via ultrasonic levitation of gel drops” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147 2488 (2020) [Link] (.pdf)
- P. Jagdale, D. Li, X. Shao, J.B. Bostwick, and X. Xuan “Fluid rheological effects on the flow of polymer solutions in a contraction-–expansion microchannel” Micromachines 11 (3), 278 (2020) [Special issue on `Rheology and Complex Fluid Flows in Microfluidics’] [Link] (.pdf)
- K. Maassen, J. Shaffer, H. Choi, L.L. Thompson, and J.B. Bostwick “Acoustic analysis of ultrasonic assisted soldering for enhanced adhesion” Ultrasonics 101, 106003 (2020). [Link] (.pdf)
- S. Tamim and J.B. Bostwick “The elastic Rayleigh drop” Soft Matter 15, 9244 – 9252, (2019). [Link] (.pdf)
- X. Shao, S. Fredericks, J.R. Saylor, and J.B. Bostwick “Elastocapillary transition in gel drop oscillations” Physical Review Letters 123, 188002 (2019) [Link] (.pdf)
- D. Li, X. Shao, J.B. Bostwick, and X. Xuan “Particle separation in xanthan gum solutions” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 23, 125 (2019). [Link] (.pdf)
- J. Shaffer, K. Maassen, C. Wilson, P. Tilton, L. Thompson, H. Choi and J.B. Bostwick “Development of an open-sourced automated ultrasonic-assisted soldering system” Journal of Manufacturing Processes 47, 284-290 (2019). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.E. Bergen, B.C. Basso, and J.B. Bostwick “Leidenfrost drop dynamics: Exciting dormant modes” Physical Review Fluids 4, 083603 (2019) [Link] (.pdf)
- P.H. Steen, C.T. Chang, and J.B. Bostwick “Droplet motions fill a periodic table” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (11) 4849-4854 (2019) [Link] (.pdf)
- X. Shao, J.R. Saylor, and J.B. Bostwick “Extracting the surface tension of soft gels from elastocapillary wave behavior” Soft Matter 14, 7347-7353 (2018) [Back cover image] [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick and P.H. Steen. “Static rivulet instabilities: varicose and sinuous modes.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 837, 819-838 (2018) [Link] (.pdf)
- S.J. Park, J.B. Bostwick, V. De Andrade, and J.H. Je. “Self-spreading of the wetting ridge during stick-slip on a viscoelastic surface.” Soft Matter 13, 8331-8336 (2017) [Link] (.pdf)
- M. Grzelka, J.B. Bostwick and K.E. Daniels. “Capillary fracture of ultrasoft gels: variability and delayed nucleation.” Soft Matter 13, 2962-2966 (2017). [Back cover image] [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick, J.A. Dijksman, and M. Shearer. “Wetting dynamics of a collapsing fluid hole.” Physical Review Fluids 2, 014006 (2017). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick and P.H. Steen. “Response of driven sessile drops with contact-line dissipation.” Soft Matter 12, 8919-8926 (2016). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick, M.J. Miksis and S.H. Davis. “Elastic membranes in confinement.” Journal of the Royal Society Interface 13 (120), (2016). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick and P.H. Steen. “Stability of constrained capillary surfaces.” Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 47, 539-568, (2015). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick and P.H. Steen. “Liquid bridge shape stability by energy bounding.” IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 80 (6), 1759-1775 , (2015) [Link] (.pdf)
- C.T. Chang, J.B. Bostwick, S. Daniel and P.H. Steen. “Dynamics of sessile drops. Part 2. Experiment”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 768, 442-467, (2015). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick and P.H. Steen. “Dynamics of sessile drops. Part 1. Inviscid theory.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 760, 5-38, (2014). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick, M. Shearer and K.E. Daniels “Elastocapillary deformations on partially-wetting substrates: rival contact-line models” Soft Matter 10, 7361-7369, (2014). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick and K.E. Daniels. “Capillary fracture of soft gels.” Physical Review E 88, 042410, (2013) [Link] (.pdf)
- C.T. Chang, J.B. Bostwick, P.H. Steen and S. Daniel. “Substrate constraint modifies the Rayleigh spectrum of vibrating sessile drops” Physical Review E 88, 023015, (2013). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick. “Spreading and bistability of droplets on differentially-heated substrates” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 725, 566-587, (2013). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick and P.H. Steen. “Coupled oscillations of deformable spherical-cap droplets. Part 2. Viscous motions” Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 714, 336-360, (2013). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick and P.H. Steen. “Coupled oscillations of deformable spherical-cap droplets. Part 1. Inviscid motions” Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 714, 312-335, (2013). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick and P.H. Steen. “Stability of constrained cylindrical interfaces and the torus lift of Plateau-Rayleigh“. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 647, 201-219, (2010). [Link] (.pdf)
- J.B. Bostwick and P.H. Steen. “Constrained capillary oscillations of a spherical fluid drop” Physics of Fluids. 21, 032108, (2009). [Link] (.pdf)