Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility (C2M2) Director Dr. Mashrur “Ronnie” Chowdhury was recently featured in the 2020 year-end issue of the popular tech magazine Innovation and Tech Today. Dr. Chowdhury, the Eugene Douglas Mays Professor of Transportation at Clemson University, was interviewed as part of the article “Hitchin’ a Ride – 5G will take autonomous driving to the next level.” This article explores how advancements in 5G V2X (vehicle to vehicle, vehicle to infrastructure, and vehicle to vulnerable road users) technology will help make autonomous safer and more available. Dr. Chowdhury was featured along with industry professionals from Fiat Chrysler and CoastAutonomous as they explained the importance of 5G technology to Autonomous Vehicle (AV) operations. You can click the following link and find this article in its entirety on page 67 of this free online magazine.