Distinguished Speaker – Yunyi Jia

Yunyi Jia

C2M2 invites you to join us in welcoming Dr. Yunyi Jia, Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research, as a part of our C2MDistinguished Speaker Series.

Seminar Title

Cloud-based Collaborative Road Condition Monitoring using In-Vehicle Smartphones

Seminar Abstract

Ensuring the safety of transportation systems requires monitoring the conditions of roads. Traditional monitoring and inspection of road conditions require surveyors to go along the roads to search for defects. Such processes are very time consuming, expensive, and labor intensive. Recent automated road condition monitoring approaches require specially equipped vehicles with specific sensors associated with complex processing systems, which is still time consuming and expensive. In addition, all these approaches cannot provide real-time monitoring of road conditions. Therefore, we investigate a more efficient and cost-effective approach to monitor the road conditions through cloud-based collaborative monitoring using in-vehicle smartphone data from conventional vehicle users. We first collect motion and vision data from smartphones and leverage deep learning approaches to detect road conditions. We further send the information from various smartphones to the cloud and fuse the detection results in the cloud in order to generate more complete and precise detection results. Based on the fusion, the road conditions are updated in real time from data reported by the smartphone users and visually displayed in a map which can be viewed by the concerned authorities through a webpage.

The project is sponsored by the USDOT Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility (C²M²) and is a collaboration between Benedict College and Clemson University.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Yunyi Jia is the McQueen Quattlebaum assistant professor in the Department of Automotive Engineering at Clemson University. He directs the Collaborative Robotics and Automation (CRA) Lab and his research focuses on robotics, autonomous vehicles, and advanced sensing systems. He has been the receipt of the SAE Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award, NSF CAREER Award, NSF CPS CRII Award, and SAE Trevor O. Jones Outstanding Paper Award. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Michigan State University in 2014. He is currently a senior member of IEEE and a member of ASME and SAE.