Salamatin, A. A.; Adler, P. H.; Kornev, K. G., Lepidopteran mouthpart architecture suggests a new mechanism of fluid uptake by insects with long proboscises. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 510, 110525 (2020) PDFURL
Peng, Y.; Kelle, R.; Little, C.; Michonova, E.; Kornev, K. G.; Alexov, E., pH-dependent interactions of Apolipophorin-III with a lipid disk. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (2020) PDFURL
Alimov, M.M., Bazilevsky, A.V., Kornev K.G. Minimal surfaces on mirror-symmetric frames: a fluid dynamic analogy, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 897, A36 (2020) PDFSupplementary materialURL
Hong, Y., Chen, Z., Lei J, Zhang, Z., Xiao, H.,Kornev, K.G., Bordia, R.K., Tong, J., Peng, F. Direct inkjet printing of mullite nano-ribbons from the sol–gel precursor, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 95(1), 66-76 (2020) PDFURL
Tuggle, M., Hawkins, T.W., Kucera, C., Huygen, N., Brasovs, A., Kornev, K.G., Ballato,J. Phase separation and transformation of binary immiscible systems in molten core-derived optical fibers, MRS Communications, 10(2), 298-304 (2020) PDFURL
Salamatin, A.A, Peng, F., Rider, K., and Kornev, K.G., Non-stoichiometry effects and phase equilibria in the uranium-carbon-nitrogen ternary system, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 51, 5, 2549-2563 (2020) PDFSupplementary materialURL
Alimov, M.M. & Kornev, K.G. An external meniscus on a thin fiber whose profile has separate rectification points, Russian Mathematics, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 1–7 (2020) PDFURL
Suellen F. Pometto, Charles E. Beard, Patrick D. Gerard, Konstantin G. Kornev, Peter H. Adler1, Self-repair of the Lepidopteran Proboscis, Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2019) PDFURL
Kornev, Konstantin G.& Adler, Peter H., Physical determinants of fluid feeding in insects, Springer (2019) PDFURL
Palkar, Vaibhav; Aprelev, Pavel; Salamatin, Arthur; Brasovs, Artis, Kuksenok, Olga, Kornev, Konstantin G., Rotating magnetic nanorods detect minute fluctuations of magnetic field, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Volume: 100, Issue: 5 (2019) PDFURL
Zhang, Chengqi; Adler, Peter H.; Kornev, Konstantin G., Insect Solutions for Open Self-Cleaning Microfluidics, ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES (2019) PDFURL
Aprelev, Pavel; Bruce, Terri F.; Beard, Charles E.; Adler, Peter H.; Kornev, Konstantin G., Nucleation and Formation of a Primary Clot in Insect Blood, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, Volume: 9 (2019) PDFURL
Alimov, M. M.; Kornev, K.G., Analysis of the Shape Hysteresis of a Soap Film Supported by Two Circular Rings, FLUID DYNAMICS, Volume: 54, Issue: 1, Pages: 42-55 (2019) PDFURL
Alimov, M. M.; Kornev, K.G., External Meniscus on a Ribbon-Like Fiber, FLUID DYNAMICS, Volume: 53, Pages: S40-S58 (2018) PDFURL
Savchak, Oksana; Morrison, Tyler; Kornev, Konstantin G.; Kuksenok, Olga, Controlling deformations of gel-based composites by electromagnetic signals within the GHz frequency range, SOFT MATTER, Volume: 14, Issue: 43 (2018) PDFURL
Chengqi Zhang, Peter H. Adler, Daria Monaenkova, Taras Andrukh, Suellen Pometto, Charles E. Beard, Konstantin G. Kornev, Restricted access Self-assembly of the butterfly proboscis: the role of capillary forces, Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2018) PDFSIURLSupplementary Videos
M. M. Alimov, K. G. Kornev, An external meniscus on a thin ovoidal fiber (the case of full wetting), Fluid Dynamics (2018) PDFURL
Sooneon Bae , Michael J. DiBalsi, Nicole Meilinger, Chengqi Zhang, Erica Beal, Guzeliya Korneva, Robert O. Brown, Konstantin G. Kornev , and Jeoung Soo Lee, Heparin-Eluting Electrospun Nanofiber Yarns for Antithrombotic Vascular Sutures, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2018) PDFURL
Zhaoxi Chen, James Townsend, Pavel Aprelev, Yu Gu, Ruslan Burtovyy, Igor Luzinov, Konstantin G Kornev, and Fei Peng, Magnetic submicron mullite coatings with oriented SiC whiskers, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2018) PDFURL
Chengqi Zhang, Charles E. Beard, Peter H. Adler, Konstantin G. Kornev, Effect of curvature on wetting and dewetting of proboscises of butterflies and moths, Royal Society Open Science (2018) PDFURL
Chengqi Zhang and Konstantin G. Kornev, Morphological transitions of drop configurations on ribbon-like fibers, Surface Innovations (2017) PDFURL
Konstantin G. Kornev, Arthur A. Salamatin, Peter H. Adler and Charles E. Beard, Structural and physical determinants of the proboscis-sucking pump complex in the evolution of fluid-feeding insects, Scientific reports (2017) PDFURL
Pavel Aprelev, Bonni McKinney, Chadwick Walls, and Konstantin G.Kornev, Magnetic stage with environmental control for optical microscopy and high-speed nano- and microrheology. Physics of Fluids, (2017) PDFSIURL
Townsend, James; Burtovyy, Ruslan; Aprelev, Pavel; Kornev, Konstantin; Luzinov, Igor. Enhancing Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Epoxy Nanocomposites via Alignment of Magnetized SiC Whiskers. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (2017) URL
Maryana I. Nave, Yu Gu, Yu-chen Karen Chen-Wiegart, Jun Wang, and Konstantin G. Kornev, Is an electric field always a promoter of wetting? Electrodewetting of metals by electrolytes probed by in situ X-ray nanotomography, Faraday Discussions, (2017) URL
Nave M.I and Kornev K.G. Complexity of products of tungsten corrosion. Comparison of the 3D Pourbaix diagrams with the experimental data. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 48, 1414 (2017) URL
Chen, Z., Burtovyy, R., Kornev, K., Luzinov, I., Peng, F. Dense and crack-free mullite films obtained from a hybrid sol-gel/dip-coating approach. Journal of Materials Research, 32, 9, 1665-1673 (2017) URL
Hong, Y., Chen, Z., Trofimov, A.A., Lei, J., Chen, J., Yuan, L., Zhu, W., Xiao, H., Xu, D., Jacobson, L.G., Kornev, K.G., Peng, F., Direct inkject printing of miniaturized luminescent YAG:Er3+ from sol-gel precursor, Optical Materials, 68, 11-18 (2017) URL
Trofimov A, Nave M, Rangaraju P, Sanders J and Kornev KG Evaluation of adhesion of asphalt binders using wicking experiments. Surface Innovations, 4 (4), 195-204 (2016) URL
Kornev K.G., Monaenkova D., Adler P.H., Beard C.E., Lee W.-K., The butterfly proboscis as a fiber-based, self-cleaning, microfluidic system, Proc. SPIE. 9797, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication 2016, 979705. doi: 10.1117/12.2218941(2016) URLPDF
Gu Y. and Kornev K.G., Magnonics: selective heat production in nanocomposites with different magnetic nanoparticles, Journal of Aapplied Physics, AIP ID: 015610JAP (2016). URLPDF
Gu Y. and Kornev K.G. Ferromagnetic Nanorods in Applications to Control of the In-Plane Anisotropy of Composite Films and for In Situ Characterization of the Film Rheology, Advanced Functional; Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201504205 (2016). URLPDF
Mars M. Alimov and Konstantin G. Kornev, Piercing the water surface with a blade: Singularities of the contact line, Phys. Fluids 28, 012102 (2016) URLPDF
Zhaoxi Chen, Yu Gu, Pavel Aprelev, Konstantin Kornev, Igor Luzinov, Jie Chen and Fei Peng, Mullite-Nickel magnetic nanocomposite fibers obtained from electrospinning followed by thermal reduction, J.Amer. Cer.Soc. DOI: 10.1111/jace.14148(2016) URLPDF
Matthew S. Lehnert, Charles E. Beard, Patrick D. Gerard, Konstantin G. Kornev, and Peter H. Adler, Structure of the lepidopteran proboscis in relation to feeding guild, Journal of Morphology, 277:167-182 (2016) URLPDF
Yucheng Peng, Ruslan Burtovyy, Ying Yang, Marek W. Urban, Marian S. Kennedy, Konstantin G. Kornev, Rajendra Bordia, Igor Luzinov, Towards scalable fabrication of ultrasmooth and porous thin carbon films. Carbon, V. 96, 184-195 (2016) URLPDF
Vladislav Vekselman, Luke Sande, and Konstantin G. Kornev, Fully magnetic printing by generation of magnetic droplets on demand with a coilgun, Journal of Aapplied Physics 118, 224902 (2015). URLPDF
Pavel Aprelev, Yu Gu, Ruslan Burtovyy, Igor Luzinov, Konstantin G. Kornev. "Synthesis and characterization of nanorods for magnetic rotational spectroscopy", Journal of Applied Physics (2015) 118, 074901; DOI: 10.1063/1.4928401 URLPDF
Maryana I. Nave, Yu-chen Karen Chen-Wiegart, Jun Wangb, Konstantin G. Kornev. "Precipitation and surface adsorption of metal complexes during electropolishing. Theory and characterization with X-ray nanotomography and surface tension isotherms", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Volume: 17 Issue: 35 Pages: 23121-23131; DOI: 10.1039/c5cp03431k URLPDF
Maryana I. Nave, Jason P. Allen, Yu-chen Karen Chen-Wiegart, Jun Wang, Surya R. Kalidindi, Konstantin G. Kornev. "In situ X-ray nanotomography of metal surfaces during electropolishing", Scientific Reports (2015); DOI: 10.1038/srep15257 URLPDF
Zhaoxi Chen, Zhao Zhang, Chen-Chih Tsai, Konstantin Kornev, Igor Luzinov, Minghao Fang, Fei Peng. "Electrospun mullite fibers from the sol-gel precursor", Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (2015) 74:208-219; DOI: 10.1007/s10971-014-3599-7 URLPDF
Zhaoxi Chen, Yu Gu, Zhao Zhang, Konstantin G. Kornev, Igor Luzinov, and Fei Peng. "Measuring flexural rigidity of mullite microfibers using magnetic droplets", Journal of Applied Physics 117, 214304 (2015); DOI: 10.1063/1.4921881 URLPDF
Konstantin G. Kornev, Yu Gu, Pavel Aprelev, and Alexander Tokarev, "Magnetic rotational spectroscopy for probing rheology of nanoliter droplets and thin films", SPRINGER book series on Characterization Tools for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Edited by Challa Kumar, v. 6, 2015. PDF
Yu Gu , Zhaoxi Chen , Nikolay Borodinov , Igor Luzinov , Fei Peng , and Konstantin G Kornev, "Kinetics of evaporation and gel formation in thin films of ceramic precursors", Langmuir, DOI: 10.1021/la503798 URLPDFSupporting Information
Mars M. Alimov, Konstantin G. Kornev "Singularities of meniscus at the V-shaped edge", Mechanics Research Communications, doi:10.1016/j.mechrescom.2014.10.003. URLPDF
Yu Gu, Ruslan Burtovyy, John Custer, Igor Luzinov, Konstantin G. Kornev "A gradient field defeats the inherent repulsion between magnetic nanorods", Royal Society Open Science, 2014, DOI: 10.1098/rsos.140271 URL
Alimov, M.M., and Kornev K.G. "Meniscus on a shaped fiber: singularities and hodograph formulation", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 2014, DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2014.0113 URL
Tsai, C.-C., D. Monaenkova, C. E. Beard, P. H. Adler, and K. G. Kornev "Paradox of the drinking-straw model of the butterfly proboscis", J. Exp. Biol., 2014, DOI: 10.1242/?jeb.097998 URLINSIDE JEB
Tsai, C.-C., D., Gu Y., Kornev K.G. "Wetting of nanofiber yarns", Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2014, URL
Karena J. Kwauk, Daniel K. Hasegawa, Matthew S. Lehnert, Charles E. Beard, Patrick D. Gerard, Konstantin G. Kornev and Peter H. Adler "Drinking with an unsealed tube: fluid uptake along the butterfly proboscis", Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 2014, URL
Alexander Tokarev, Yu Gu, Andrey Zakharchenko, Oleksandr Trotsenko, Igor Luzinov, Konstantin G. Kornev, and Sergiy Minko "Reconfigurable Anisotropic Coatings via Magnetic Field-Directed Assembly and Translocation of Locking Magnetic Chains", Adv. Funct. Mater., 2014, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201303358 URL
Yu Gu and Konstantin G. Kornev "Attachment/detachment hysteresis of fiber-based magnetic grabbers", Soft Matter, 2014, DOI: 10.1039/c3sm53025f URLPDFSupporting Information
Alexander Tokarev, Wah-Keat Lee, Igor Sevonkaev, Dan Goia and Konstantin G. Kornev "Sharpening the surface of magnetic paranematic droplets", Soft Matter, 2014, DOI: 10.1039/c3sm52655k URLPDFSupporting Information
Taras Andrukh, Daria Monaenkova, Binyamin Rubin, Wah-Keat Lee and Konstantin G. Kornev "Meniscus formation in a capillary and the role of contact line friction", Soft Matter, 2013, DOI: 10.1039/C3SM52164H URL
Brandon Mattix, Timothy R. Olsen, Yu Gu, Megan Casco, Austin Herbst, Dan T. Simionescu, Richard P. Visconti, Konstantin G. Kornev, Frank Alexis "Biological magnetic cellular spheroids as building blocks for tissue engineering", Acta Biomaterialia, 2013, URL
Yu Gu, Konstantin G. Kornev "Alignment of Magnetic Nanorods in Solidifying Films", Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/ppsc.201300224 URL
M Nave, B Rubin, V Maximov, S Creager and K G Kornev "Transport-limited electrochemical formation of long nanosharp probes from tungsten", Nanotechnology, 2013, DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/24/35/355702 URL
Chen-Chih Tsai and Konstantin G. Kornev "Characterization of Permeability of Electrospun Yarns", Langmuir, 2013, DOI: 10.1021/la401819t URLPDF
Yu Gu, Ruslan Burtovyy, James Townsend, Jeffery R. Owens, Igor Luzinova and Konstantin G. Kornev "Collective alignment of nanorods in thin Newtonian films", Soft Matter, 2013, DOI: 10.1039/C3SM51467F URLPDF
Anton Grigoryev, Vijoya Sa, Venkateshwarlu Gopishetty, Ihor Tokarev, Konstantin G. Kornev, and Sergiy Minko "Wet-Spun Stimuli-Responsive Composite Fibers with Tunable Electrical Conductivity", Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201203721 URLPDF
Matthew S. Lehnert, Daria Monaenkova, Taras Andrukh, Charles E. Beard, Peter H. Adler and Konstantin G. Kornev "Hydrophobic-hydrophilic dichotomy of the butterfly proboscis", J. R. Soc. Interface, 2013 URL
Daria Monaenkova, Taras Andrukh and Konstantin G Kornev "Bernoulli catenary and elasto-capillary effect in partially wet fibrous materials", Textile Research Journal, 2013, DOI: 10.1177/0040517512464294 URLPDF
Alexander Tokarev, Bethany Kaufman, Yu Gu, Taras Andrukh1, Peter H. Adler, and Konstantin G. Kornev "Probing viscosity of nanoliter droplets of butterfly saliva by magnetic rotational spectroscopy", Appl. Phys. Lett., 2013, DOI: 10.1063/1.4788927 URLPDF
Fehime Vatansever, Ruslan Burtovyy, Bogdan Zdyrko, Karthik Ramaratnam, Taras Andrukh, Sergiy Minko, Jeffrey R. Owens, Konstantin G. Kornev, and Igor Luzinov "Toward Fabric-Based Flexible Microfluidic Devices: Pointed Surface Modification for pH Sensitive Liquid Transport", ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2012, DOI: 10.1021/am3008664. URLPDF
Anton Grigoryev, Ihor Tokarev, Konstantin G. Kornev, Igor Luzinov, and Sergiy Minko "Superomniphobic Magnetic Microtextures with Remote Wetting Control", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, DOI: 10.1021/ja305348n. URLPDF
Alexander Tokarev, Alexey Aprelev, Mikhail N. Zakharov, Guzeliya Korneva, Yury Gogotsi, and Konstantin G. Kornev "Multifunctional magnetic rotator for micro and nanorheological studies", Review of Scientific Instruments, 2012, DOI: 10.1063/1.4729795. URLPDF
Ruslan Burtovyy, Binyamin Rubin, Mahmut O. Kesimci, Igor Luzinov, Jeffery Owens, Konstantin G. Kornev "Surface Differential Scanning Calorimeter for Evaluation of Evaporative Cooling Efficiency", Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 2012. URLPDF
Chen-Chih Tsai, Binyamin Rubin, Eugen Tatartschuk, Jeffery R.Owens, Igor Luzinov, Konstantin G. Kornev "Efficiency of Microwave Heating of Weakly Loaded Polymeric Nanocomposites", Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 2012. URLPDF
Richard E. Groff, Meng Li, Harshwardhan Karve, Alexander Tokarev, Kostantin G. Kornev "Bending and Position Hysteresis of Magnetic Microfibers in Nonuniform Magnetic Fields", Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 2012. URLPDF
Mikhail Motornov, Sergiy Z. Malynych, Deepthi S. Pippalla, Bogdan Zdyrko, Halyna Royter, Yuri Roiter, Mathew Kahabka, Alexander Tokarev, Ihor Tokarev, Ekaterina Zhulina, Konstantin G. Kornev, Igor Luzinov, and Sergiy Minko "Field-directed self-assembly with locking nanoparticles", Nanoletters, 2012, DOI: 10.1021/nl301780x. URLPDF
Alexander Tokarev, Igor Luzinov, Jeffery Owens, and Konstantin G Kornev "Magnetic rotational spectroscopy with nanorods to probe time-dependent rheology of microdroplets", Langmuir, June 2012, DOI: 10.1021/la3019474. URLPDFSupporting Information
Daria Monaenkova, Taras Andrukh, and Konstantin G.Kornev, Wicking of liquids into sagged fabrics, Soft Matter, 2012, DOI: 10.1039/C2SM07080D. URL
Konstantin G Kornev "Electrospinning: Distribution of charges in liquid jets",December 2011,Journal of Applied Physics (Vol.110, Issue 12),DOI: 10.1063/1.3671629 URLPDF
Chen-Chih Tsai, Petr Mikes, Taras Andrukh, Edgar White, Daria Monaenkova, Oleksandr Burtovyy, Ruslan Burtovyy, Binyamin Rubin, David Lukas, Igor Luzinov, Jeffery R. Owens and Konstantin G. Kornev, Nanoporous artificial proboscis for probing minute amount of liquids, Nanoscale, 2011, DOI: 10.1039/c1nr10773a URLPDF
Vijoya Sa and Konstantin G Kornev, Analysis of stability of nanotube dispersions using surface tension isotherms, Langmuir, 2011, DOI: 10.1021/la2028466 URLPDF
Seeber M., Zdyrko B., Burtovvy R., Andrukh T., Tsai C., Owens J.R., . Kornev K.G., Luzinov I., Surface grafting of thermoresponsive microgel nanoparticles, Soft Matter, DOI: 10.1039/C1SM05924F(2011) URLPDF
Monaenkova D., Lehnert M.S., Andrukh T., Beard C.E., Rubin B., Tokarev A., Lee W.K, Adler P.H., and Kornev K.G. Butterfly proboscis: combining a drinking straw with a nanosponge facilitated diversification of feeding habits, J. R. Soc. Interface doi:10.1098/rsif.2011.0392 Published online(2011). URLPDF
Andrukh T., Rubin B., Kornev K.G., Wire-in-a-nozzle as a new droplet-on-demand electro generator, Langmuir, 27 (6) 3206 - 3210(2011). URLPDF
Sa V., Kornev K.G., A method for wet spinning of alginate fibers with a high concentration of single-walled carbon nanotubes, Carbon, 49(6), 1859-1868 (2011) URLPDF
Callegari G., Tyomkin I., Kornev K.G. Neimark A.V., and Hsieh Y-L., Absorption and transport properties of ultra-fine cellulose webs, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 353 (1) 290-293(2011) URLPDF
Tokarev A., Rubin B., Bedford M., Kornev K. G. Magnetic Nanorods for Optofluidic Applications, AIP CP 1311, 204-209(2010) URLPDF
Measey T., Schweitzer-Stenner R., Sa V., Kornev K., Anomalous conformational instability and hydrogel formation of a cationic class of self-assembling oligopeptides, Macromolecules, 43(18), 7800–7806 (2010) URLPDF
Seeber, M J.; Zdyrko, B; Rieger, J; Boisse, S; Tsai, C-C; Kornev, K; Luzinov, I. Characterization and surface grafting of thermally responsive carboxy functionalized PNIPAM nanogels synthesized via RAFT aqueous dispersion polymerization. Polymer Preprints 51(2), 578-579(2010).
Gu, Y., Kornev K.G., Plasmon enhanced direct and inverse Faraday effects in non-magnetic nanocomposites, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 27, 11, 2165-2173(2010) URLPDF
Monaenkova D. & Kornev K.G., Elastocapillarity: Stress transfer through fibrous probes in wicking experiments, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 348, 240–249 (2010) URLPDF
Hammond, Paul, Pearson, Antony, Orr, Lynn, Etingof, Pavel, Nikolaevski, Victor, Ryzhik, Victor, Alexandrou, Andreas N., Petrie CJS , Kornev, Konstantin G., Dedications to the Memory of VM Entov, Transport in porous media, 83 ( 1) , 11-14 (2010) . URLPDF
Malynych, S.Z., Tokarev A., Hudson S., Chumanov G., Ballato J., Kornev K.G., Magneto-Controlled Illumination with Opto-Fluidics, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322, 1894–1897 (2010) URLPDF
M. Kulakov, I. Luzinov, and K. G. Kornev, Capillary and Surface Effects in the Formation of Nanosharp Tungsten Tips by Electropolishing, Langmuir, 25 (8), 4462–4468 (2009). URLPDF
Kokuoz B., Kornev K.G., and Luzinov I., Gluing Nanoparticles with a Polymer Bonding Layer: The Strength of an Adhesive Bond. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 1 (3), 575–583 (2009). URLPDF
Rossi M.P., Gogotsi Y., and Kornev K.G. Deformation of Carbon Nanotubes by Exposure to Water Vapor, Langmuir, 25, 2804-2810(2009). URLPDF
Reukov V., Vertegel A., Burtovyy O., Kornev K., Luzinov I., Miller P., Fabrication of nanocoated fibers for self-diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 29(3), 669-673(2009). URLPDF