
73. Tristan Veal; Luke Hogewood; Dr. Shakhawat Tanim; Dr. David Ladner; Michael Deegan; David Vaughn. “Watershed Scale Resilience Assessment of Community Water Supply.” Poster Presented at South Carolina Environmental Conference(SCEC) 2024. Link

72. Qi, W.; Ladner, D.A. “Energy reduction in ceramic microfiltration using supersaturated carbon-dioxide-enhanced backwash.” Poster presentation at the North American Membrane Society (NAMS) annual meeting, Tuscaloosa, AL (May 15, 2023).

71. Zhou, Z.; Ladner, D.A. “Computational modeling of patterned membranes and spacers for improved hydrodynamics and fouling reduction in reverse osmosis water treatment processes.” Poster presentation at the North American Membrane Society (NAMS) annual meeting, Tuscaloosa, AL (May 15, 2023).

70. Qi, W.; Ladner, D.A. “Lab-scale automated MF/UF system setup.” Poster presentation at the AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, Knoxville, TN (February 21, 2023).

69. Smith, Peyton; Thompson, Karinna; Stickler, Andrew; Funk, Claire; Smith, Ada; Della Rocca, Sophia; Villanueva, Anthony; Ladner, David A. “Water Quality Monitoring.” Poster presentation at Clemson University 17th Annual Focus on Creative Inquiry Forum, Clemson, SC. (April, 2022). Download poster.

68. Qi, W.; Ladner, D.A. “Lab-scale automated MF/UF system setup.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March 2022).

67. Larsen, D.; Ladner, D.A.; Bertoia, C.; Mysore, C.; Raja, P.; Walker, W.S.; Alspach, B. “An evaluation of energy consumption comparing conventional water treatment plants to microfiltration and ultrafiltration water treatment plants.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March 2022).

66. Qi, W.; Ladner, D.A. “Membrane Cleaning Using Supersaturated Carbon Dioxide Solution.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (August, 2021).

65. Peng, L.; Ladner, D.A. “Electrostatic interactions between the plastic pipe surface and Pb2+ ions.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (August, 2021).

64. Zhou, Z.; Ladner, D.A. “Novel 3D-printed spacer designs for improved hydrodynamics and reduced energy consumption.” Poster presentation at the International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM), Virtual (December, 2020).

63. Blanton, B.; Brame, S.; Falta, R.; Henderson, J.K.; Ladner, D.A.; Daigle, H.; Darnault, C. “Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Silica Nanoparticles: Sandpack Flooding Experiments in Sand and a Low Salinity Environment.” Poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (December 2019). See abstract at the meeting website.

62. Martin, A.; Vaughn, D.E.; Cash, C.J.; Plumblee, J.M.; Ladner, D.A. “Computational Modeling to Optimize Chlorinator Design for a Drinking Water Treatment System in Rural Haiti.” UNC Water & Health Conference, Chapel Hill, NC (October 10, 2019). Download poster.

61. Zhou, Z.; Weinman, S.T.; Sarupria, S.; Husson, S.M.; Battiato, I.; Ladner, D.A. “Concentration polarization modeling for high-pressure membranes with engineered surface features.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2019). Download poster.

60. Martin, A.C.; Vaughn, D.E.; Ladner, D.A.; Gordon, A.S.; Plumblee, J.M. “Evaluation of Chlorine Disinfection Processes in a Water Treatment and Distribution System in Rural Haiti.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2019). Download abstract. Download poster.

59. Cash, C.; Ladner, D.A. “Get it Twisted: Modeling Helical Flow in a Tubular Membrane for AnMBR.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2019). Download abstract. Download poster.

58. Cash, C.; Ladner, D.A. “Modeling Cake Fouling for AnMBR.” Poster presentation at the Membrane Technology Conference and Exibition, New Orleans, LA, (February 28, 2019). Download poster.

57. Xie, P.; Ladner, D.A. “Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Osmotically Driven Membrane Processes (OMDPs).” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2018).

56. Partlan, E.; Ladner, D.A. “Activated Carbon Coatings on Microfiltration Membranes as Mini Packed Bed Reactors.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2018).

55. Zuo, Z.; Weinman, S.T.; Sarupria, S.; Husson, S.M.; Battiato, I.; Ladner, D.A. “Concentration polarization modeling for high-pressure membranes with engineered surface features.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Water Resources Conference, Columbia, SC (October, 2018).

54. Zuo, Z.; Weinman, S.T.; Sarupria, S.; Husson, S.M.; Battiato, I.; Ladner, D.A. “Concentration polarization modeling for high-pressure membranes with engineered surface features.” Poster presentation at the North American Membrane Society (NAMS) annual meeting, Lexington, KY (June, 2018).

53. Sharmin, R.; Zhou, Z.; Ladner, D.A. “Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling to simulate foulant reduction by patterned RO and NF membranes.”Poster presentation at the Membrane Technology Conference, West Palm Beach, FL (March, 2018).”

52. Qi, Weiming; McKinney, M.; Ladner, D.A. “Automated cleaning system for in-field experiments with ceramic membranes in high strength industrial wastewater treatment.” Poster presentation at the Membrane Technology Conference, West Palm Beach, FL (March, 2018).

51. Sizemore, G.S.; Atkins, I.F.; Bailey, C.B.; Digiacomo, L.C.; Geyer, D.G.; Ressler, E.C. Restrepo, M.C.; Wander, M.L.; Song, L.; Griffis, H.M.; Tasian, G.E.; Ladner, D.A. “Establishing a Database of Groundwater and Surface Water Hardness to test a Kidney Stone Hypothesis in South Carolina.” Poster presentation at the Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Portland, OR (November, 2017).

50. Idarraga-Mora, J.; Friedel, P.; Ladner, D.A.; Husson, S. “Thin-film composite membranes with improved mechanical robustness using small diameter carbon fibers.” Poster presentation at the International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM), San Francisco, CA (July, 2017).

49. Idarraga-Mora, J.; Childress, A.; Friedel, P.; Rao, A.; Ladner, D.A.; Husson, S. “Fabrication of thin-film composite membranes with improved mechanical robustness for energy generation using helically-coiled carbon nanotubes.” Poster presentation at the International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM), San Francisco, CA (July, 2017).

48. Zhou, Z.; Ladner, D.A.; Weinman, S.T.; Husson, S.M. “Towards the Discovery of An Innovative Membrane Surface Pattern with Increased Fouling Resistance.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2017).

47. Guerrero, V.; Partlan, E.; Ladner, D.A. “Dissolved CO2 – An Alternative for Cleaning Inorganic Scale from RO Membranes.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2017).

46. Yaputri, J.; Huang, X.; Kelly, D.; Cerrato, S.A., Ladner, D.A.; Whelton, A.J. “Evaluation of a Rapid Bench-Scale Test to Determine Crude Oil Contamination and Recovery of Plastic Water Distribution Pipes.” Poster presentation at the Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Indianapolis, IN (November, 2016).

45. Jacobs, R.; Partlan, E.; Ladner, D.A. “Hydrothermal Carbonization of Glucose for the Production of Particles to Model S-PAC Membrane Breakthrough.” Poster presentation at the Clemson University Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Poster Session, Clemson, SC (July, 2016).

44. Xie, P.; Ladner, D.A. “Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Forward Osmosis in Drinking Water Treatment.” Poster presentation at the AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL (June, 2016).

43. Idarraga-Mora, J.; Childress, A.; Ladner, D.A.; Rao, A.; Husson, S. “Mechanical enhancement of thin-film nanocomposite membranes using helically-coiled carbon nanotubes for engineered osmosis.” Poster presentation at the North American Membrane Society (NAMS) annual meeting, Bellevue, WA (May, 2016).

42. Malakian, A.; Weinman S.; Monk, R.; Boateng, L.; Sarupria, S.; Ladner, D.A.; Husson, S. “Understanding the roles that patterning and chemistry play on membrane fouling.” Poster presentation at the North American Membrane Society (NAMS) annual meeting, Bellevue, WA (May, 2016).

41. Bai, L.; Li, C.; Pales, A.; Huibers, B.; Ladner, D.A.; Daigle, H.; Darnault, C. “Wettability Behavior of Crude Oil-Silica Nanofluids-Sandstone Systems.” Poster presentation at EGU 2016, Vienna, Austria (April, 2016).

40. Partlan, E.; Amaral, P.; Li, M.; Ladner, D.A. “Activated Carbon Coatings on Microfiltration Membranes as Mini Packed Bed Reactors.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2016).

39. Xie, P.; Murdoch, C.; Ladner, D.A. “Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations of Forward Osmosis (FO) and Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO).” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2016).

38. Holtman, K.; Mettlen, H.; Knapp, M.; Ladner, D.A. “Correlating water quality and kidney stone incidence in South Carolina.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2016).

37. Carpenter, K.; Bourne, K.; Wang, B.; Ding, F.; Ladner, D.A. “Hyperbranched Polymers as Oil Dispersants: Influence of Salinity, pH, and Concentration on Dispersion Effectiveness.” Poster presentation at the Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Tampa, FL (February, 2016).

36. Sarupria, S.; Husson, S.M.; Ladner, D.A.; Battiato, I. “DMREF: An integrated multiscale modeling and experimental approach to design fouling-resistant membranes.” Materials Genome Initiative Annual Meeting, Bethesda, MD (January, 2016).

35. Bai, L.; Li, C.; Darnault, C.J.G.; Korte, C.; Ladner, D.A.; Daigle, H. “Wetting and Interfacial Tension Dynamics of Oil-Nanofluids-Surface Minerals System,” Poster presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (December, 2015).

34. Xie, P.; Murdoch, L.; Ladner, D.A. “Mitigating membrane fouling with sinusoidal spacers.” Poster presentation at the Water Quality Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, UT (November, 2015).

33. Xie, P.; Murdoch, C.; Ladner, D.A. “Sinusoidal Spacers for Mitigating Fouling in Reverse Osmosis.” Poster presentation at WEFTEC, Chicago, IL (September, 2015).

32. Brown, M.; Amaral, P.; Ladner, D.A. “Evaluating the use of powdered activated carbon associated with microfiltration for the removal of trace contaminants in water treatment.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2015).

31. Cai, J.; Ladner, D.A. “Hollow fiber microfiltration bench scale experiments.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2015).

30. Steele, M.; Anctil, A.; Ladner, D.A. “Sustainable wastewater treatment in small communities: Comparing life cycle impacts of algaculture and conventional systems.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2015).

29. Ersan, M.S.; Ladner, D.A.; Karanfil, T. “Reducing the formation of disinfection byproducts using nanofiltration.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2015).

28. Xie, P.; Murdoch, L.; Ladner, D.A. “Sinusoidal Spacers for Mitigating Fouling in Reverse Osmosis.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC), Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2015).

27. Partlan, E.T.; Ladner, D.A. “Microfiltration of superfine carbon for drinking water treatment: Effects of source water characteristics and coagulants.” Poster presentation at the Membrane Technology Conference, Orlando, FL (March, 2015).

26. Ersan, M.S.; Ladner, D.A.; Karanfil, T. “The Release of NDMA Precursors from Nanofiltration Membranes and Their Cleaning.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2014).

25. Li, M.; Ladner, D.A. “Effects of Natural Organic Matter on Contaminant Removal by Superfine Powdered Activated Carbon Coupled with Microfiltration Membranes.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2014).

24. Tu, Y.; Xie, P.; Steele, M.M.; Ladner, D.A.; Geitner, N.K.; Ke, P.C.; Ding, F. “Dendritic Polymers as Biocompatible Dispersants for Oil Spill Mitigation.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2014).

23. Xie, P.; Murdoch, L.; Ladner, D.A. “Sinusoidal Spacers for Mitigating Concentration Polarization and Biofouling in Reverse Osmosis.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2014).

22. Geitner, N.K.; Powell, R.R.; Bruce, T.F.; Andorfer, R.E.; Ladner, D.A.; Ding, F.; Ke, P.C. “Effects of Dendrimer Oil Dispersants on Dictyostelium discoideum.” Poster presentation at the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, Mobile, AL (January, 2014).

21. Ladner, D.A.; Xie, P.; Tu, Y.; Geitner, N.K.; Powers, S.; Whelton, A.; Ke, P.C. “Dendritic polymers as oil spill dispersants: Effectiveness and toxicity compared to Corexit 9500A.” Poster presentation at the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Education and Research Conference, Golden, CO (July, 2013).

20. Partlan, E.; Ladner, D.A. “Dissolved CO2 – An alternative for cleaning inorganic scale from RO membranes.” Poster presentation at the North American Membrane Society (NAMS) annual meeting, Boise, ID (June, 2013).

19. Laird, C.; Steele, M.M.; Ladner, D.A. “Bioprospecting to discover local algae for biofuel production.” Poster presentation at the 8th Annual ACC Meeting of the Minds, Winston-Salem, NC (April, 2013).

18. Steele, M.M.; Anctil, A.; Ladner, D.A. “Net Environmental Benefit Approach To Life Cycle Assessment For Algal Integration At Wastewater Treatment Plants.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2013).

17. Li, M.; Ladner, D.A. “Effects of aggregation state on flux reduction by superfine powdered activated carbon on microfiltration membranes.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2013).

16. Partlan, E.; Ladner, D.A. “Dissolved CO2 – An Alternative for Cleaning Inorganic Scale from RO Membranes.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2013).

15. Tu, Y.; Xie, P.; Geitner, N.K.; Ke, P.C.; Ladner, D.A. “Dendritic polymers as biocompatible oil spill dispersants: molecular interactions and effectiveness.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2013).

14. Ladner, D.A.; Geitner, N.K.; Steele, M.M.; Xie, P.; Bhattacharya, P.; Chen, R.; Whelton, A.; Powers, S.; Ke, P.C.; “Dendritic polymers as biocompatible oil spill dispersants.” Poster presentation at the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, New Orleans, LA (February, 2013).

13. Steele, M.; Carey, D.; Ladner, D.A. “Mixotrophic growth of Chlorella protothecoides for wastewater treatment: Effects of retention time on membrane harvesting, treatment, and productivity.” Poster presentation at The 2nd International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts, San Diego, CA (June, 2012).

12. Majahan, P.; Sun, Y.; Ladner, D.A. “Enabling renewable-energy driven reverse osmosis desalination using integrated compressed gas energy storage–benchscale experiments and modeling.” Poster presentation at the CleanTech Conference and Showcase 2012, Santa Clara, CA (June, 2012).

11. Carey, D.; Steele, M.; Ladner, D.A. “Algal dewatering by microfiltration: membrane flux improvement with NaCl addition in a stirred filtration unit.” Poster presentation at The 2nd International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts, San Diego, CA (June, 2012).

10. Mahajan, P.; Sun, Y.; Ladner, D.A. “Enabling wind-energy driven reverse osmosis desalination using integrated compressed gas energy storage–benchscale experiments and modeling.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2012).

9. Xie, P.; Ladner, D.A. “Sinusoidal- and Helical-Flow Spacers for Energy Reduction and Fouling Mitigation in Reverse Osmosis Desalination.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2012).

8. Partlan, E.; Ladner, D.A. “Reverse Osmosis under Transient Power Conditions: A look at membrane concentration polarization behavior when the transmembrane pressure is dynamic.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2012).

7. Carey, D.; Steele, M.; Wolniak, R.; Cotterman, T.; Ladner, D.A. “Algae dewatering by microfiltration: effect of growth stage on filtration and membrane flux improvement by NaCl flocculation.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2012).

6. Steele, M.; Carey, D.; Mistry, P.; Ladner, D.A. “Assessing and reducing energy requirements for membrane-based algal biomass harvesting,” Poster presentation at the AEESP Education and Research Conference, Tampa, FL (July, 2011).

5. Xie, P.; Ladner, D.A. “Helical-flow reverse osmosis membrane modules for reduced energy consumption and fouling control.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2011).

4. Ellerie, J.; Ladner, D.A. “Adsorptive activated carbon coatings on ultrafiltration membranes for trace contaminant removal.” Poster presentation at the South Carolina Environmental Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (March, 2011).

3. Ladner, D.A.; Jurevis, J.A.; Clark, M.M. “Conditioning films formed by algal biopolymers in seawater reverse osmosis desalination,” Poster presentation at the 7th Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, International Water Association, Phoenix, AZ (June, 2010).

2. Ladner, D.A.; Steele, M.M.; Weir, A.; Hristovski, K.; and Westerhoff, P. “Nanoparticle rejection by microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes,” Poster presentation at the International Conference on the Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology, Los Angeles, CA (May, 2010).

1. Ladner, D.A.; Clark, M.M. “Characterization of Reverse Osmosis Membrane Foulants in Seawater Desalination,” Poster presentation at the EPA Graduate Fellowship Conference, Washington, DC, (2006).