
Journal Papers

  1. Soltani, M., Khademi, A. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2024). Near-optimal replacement policies for offshore wind farms. Submitted (under first review).

  2. Soltani, M., Kharoufeh, J.P. and A. Khademi (2024). Structured replacement policies for offshore wind turbines. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 38 (2), 355-386.

  3. Bhattacharya, A., Kharoufeh, J.P. and B. Zeng (2023). A nonconvex regularization scheme for the stochastic dual dynamic programming algorithm. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 35 (5), 1161-1178.

  4. Flory, J.A. and J.P. Kharoufeh. Optimal replacement in partially observed environments with noisy degradation signals. Under revision.

  5. Bhattacharya, A. and J.P. Kharoufeh. Dynamic optimal control of stored energy in microgrids. Under revision.

  6. Cordeiro, J.D. and Kharoufeh, J.P. Dynamic arrival and service rate control of a retrial queue in a random environment. Under revision.

  7. Kharoufeh, J.P. On the transient distribution of Markov reward processes. Under revision.

  8. Cordeiro, J.D., Kharoufeh, J.P. and M.E. Oxley (2019). On the ergodicity of a class of level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death processes. Advances in Applied Probability, 51 (4), 1109-1128.

  9. Abdul-Malak, D.T., Kharoufeh, J.P. and L.M. Maillart (2019).  Maintaining systems with heterogeneous spare parts, Naval Research Logistics, 66 (6), 485-501.

  10. Dehghanian, A. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2019). Optimal stopping for an inspection process with a capacity constraint: Generalizing Shepp’s urn scheme. Operations Research Letters, 47 (4), 311-316.

  11. Bhattacharya, A., Kharoufeh, J.P. and B. Zeng (2018). Structured storage policies for energy distribution networks. IISE Transactions, 50 (8), 683-698.

  12. Abdul-Malak, D.T. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2018). Optimally replacing multiple systems in a shared environment. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 32 (2), 179-206.

  13. Bhattacharya, A., Kharoufeh, J.P. and B. Zeng (2018). Managing energy storage in microgrids: A multistage stochastic programming approach. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9 (1), 483-496.

  14. van Oosterom, C., Maillart, L.M. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2017). Optimal maintenance policies for a safety-critical system and its deteriorating sensor. Naval Research Logistics, 64 (5), 399-417.

  15. Bhattacharya, A. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2017). Linear programming formulation for non-stationary, finite-horizon MDP models. Operations Research Letters, 45 (6), 570-574.

  16. Dehghanian, A., Kharoufeh, J.P. and M. Modarres (2016). Strategic dynamic jockeying between two parallel queues. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 30 (1), 41-60.

  17. Flory, J.A., Kharoufeh, J.P. and D.T. Abdul-Malak (2015). Optimal replacement of continuously degrading systems in partially observed environments. Naval Research Logistics, 62 (5), 395-415.

  18. Degirmenci, G., Kharoufeh, J.P. and O.A. Prokopyev (2015). On optimal clustering in mobile wireless sensor networks under uncertainty. Military Operations Research, 20 (2), 19-33.

  19. Sullivan, K.M., Abdul-Malak, D.T., Kharoufeh, J.P. and R.O. Baldwin (2015). Optimally locating application virtualization resources on a network. Military Operations Research, 20 (1), 5-20.

  20. Bian, L., Gebraeel, N. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2015). Degradation modeling for real-time estimation of residual lifetimes in dynamic environments. IIE Transactions, 47 (5), 471-486.

  21. Ozkan, E. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2015). Incompleteness of results for the slow-server problem with an unreliable fast server. Annals of Operations Research, 226 (1), 741-745.

  22. Ozkan, E. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2014). Optimal control of a two-server queueing system with failures. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 28 (4), 489-527.

  23. Degirmenci, G., Kharoufeh, J.P. and O.A. Prokopyev (2014). Maximizing the lifetime of query-based wireless sensor networks. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 10 (4), Article 56. (DOI: 10.1145/2523814).

  24. Flory, J.A., Kharoufeh, J.P. and N. Gebraeel (2014). A switching diffusion model for lifetime estimation in randomly-varying environments. IIE Transactions, 46 (11), 1227-1241.

  25. Kharoufeh, J.P., Cox, S.M. and M.E. Oxley (2013). Reliability of manufacturing equipment in complex environments. Annals of Operations Research, 209 (1), 231-254.

  26. Degirmenci, G., Kharoufeh, J.P. and R.O. Baldwin (2013). On the performance evaluation of query-based wireless sensor networks. Performance Evaluation, 70 (2), 124-147.

  27. Ulukus, M.Y., Kharoufeh, J.P. and L.M. Maillart (2012). Optimal replacement policies under environment-driven degradation. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 26 (3), 405-424.

  28. Cordeiro, J.D. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2012). The unreliable M/M/1 retrial queue in a random environment. Stochastic Models, 28 (1), 29-48.

  29. Perry, M.B., Kharoufeh, J.P., Shekhar, S., Cai, J. and M.R. Shankar (2012). Statistical characterization of nanostructured materials from severe plastic deformation in machining. IIE Transactions, 44 (7), 534-550.

  30. Sherman, N.P. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2011). Optimal Bernoulli routing in an unreliable M/G/1 retrial queue. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 25 (1), 1-20.

  31. Kharoufeh, J.P., Solo, C.J. and M.Y Ulukus (2010). Semi-Markov models for degradation-based reliability. IIE Transactions, 42 (8), 599-612.

  32. Kurt, M. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2010). Monotone optimal replacement policies for a Markovian deteriorating system in a controllable environment. Operations Research Letters, 38 (4), 273-279.

  33. Kurt, M. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2010). Optimally maintaining a Markovian deteriorating system with limited imperfect repairs. European Journal of Operational Research, 205 (2), 368-380.

  34. Flory, J.A. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2010). Optimal satellite payload selection and specification. Military Operations Research, 15 (3), 43-57.

  35. Kharoufeh, J.P. and D. Mixon (2009). On a Markov-modulated shock and wear process. Naval Research Logistics, 56 (6), 563-576.

  36. Sherman, N.P., Kharoufeh, J.P. and M.A. Abramson (2009). An M/G/1 retrial queue with unreliable server for streaming multimedia applications. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 23, 281-304. [Read Note]

  37. Mann, C.R., Baldwin, R.O., Kharoufeh, J.P., and B.E. Mullins (2008). A queueing approach to optimal resource replication in wireless sensor networks. Performance Evaluation, 65 (10), 689-700.

  38. Mann, C.R., Baldwin, R.O., Kharoufeh, J.P. and B.E. Mullins (2008). Energy-efficient search for finite-lifetime resources in sensor networks with time-constrained queries. ACM SIGMOBILE: Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 12 (2), 31-39.

  39. Mann, C.R., Baldwin, R.O., Kharoufeh, J.P., and B.E. Mullins (2007). A trajectory-based selective broadcast query protocol for large-scale, high-density wireless sensor networks. Telecommunication Systems, (1-2), 67-86.

  40. Offutt, E., Kharoufeh, J.P., and R.F. Deckro (2006). Distorted risk measures with application to military capability shortfalls. Military Operations Research, 11 (4), 25-39.

  41. Sherman, N.P. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2006). An M/M/1 retrial queue with unreliable server. Operations Research Letters, 34 (6), 697-705.

  42. Kharoufeh, J.P., Finkelstein, D. and D. Mixon (2006). Availability of periodically inspected systems with Markovian wear and shocks. Journal of Applied Probability, 43 (2), 303-317.

  43. Peterson, B.S., Baldwin, R.O. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2006). Bluetooth inquiry time characterization and selection. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 5 (9), 1173-1187.

  44. Flannery, A., Kharoufeh, J.P., Elefteriadou, L. and N. Gautam (2005). Queuing delay models for single-lane roundabouts. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 22 (3), 133-150.

  45. Kharoufeh, J.P. and S.M. Cox (2005). Stochastic models for degradation-based reliability. IIE Transactions, 37 (6), 533-542.

  46. Kharoufeh, J.P. and J.A. Sipe (2005).  Evaluating failure time probabilities for a Markovian wear processComputers and Operations Research, 32 (5), 1131-1145.

  47. Kharoufeh, J.P. and N. Gautam (2004).  A fluid queueing model for link travel time momentsNaval Research Logistics, 51 (2), 242-257.

  48. Kharoufeh, J.P. and N. Gautam (2004).  Deriving link travel-time distributions via stochastic speed processes.  Transportation Science, 38 (1), 97-106.

  49. Sherman, N. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2004). Analytical modeling of joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration.  Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 39 (6-8), 799-815.

  50. Kladitis, P., Bright, V., and J.P. Kharoufeh (2004).  Uncertainty in manufacture and assembly of multiple-joint solder self-assembled micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 6 (1), 32-50.

  51. Kharoufeh, J.P. (2003).  Explicit results for wear processes in a Markovian environmentOperations Research Letters, 31 (3), 237-244. [Errata]

  52. Peterson, B.S., Baldwin, R.O., Kharoufeh, J.P., and R. Raines (2003).  Refinements to the packet error rate upper bound for Bluetooth networksIEEE Communications Letters, 7 (8), 382-384.

  53. Flietstra, T., Bauer, K. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2003).  Integrated feature and architecture selection for radial basis neural networks.  Int’l Journal of Smart Engineering System Design, 5, 507-516.

  54. Kharoufeh, J.P. and K. Goulias (2002).  Nonparametric identification of daily activity durations using kernel density estimators Transportation Research Part B: Methodological,36 (1), 59-82.

  55. Kharoufeh, J.P. and M.J. Chandra (2002).  Statistical tolerance analysis for non-normal or correlated normal component characteristics. Int’l Journal of Production Research, 40 (2), 337-352.

Refereed Conference Papers and Abstracts

  1. Soltani, M., Kharoufeh, J.P. and A. Khademi (2023). Optimal call center staffing and pricing under QoS constraints. In Proceedings of the 2023 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 20-23, 2023, Article 1705.

  2. Anhalt, A.N., Kharoufeh, J.P. and A. Bhattacharya (2017). Improving access to healthcare by minimizing appointment delays. In Proceedings of the 2017 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, May 20–23, 2017, pp. 579-584.

  3. Anhalt, A.N. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2015). Comparative study of lung cancer screening policies and cost impacts. In Proceedings of the 2015 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Nashville, TN, May 30–June 2, 2015, pp. 1563-1571. (Best Paper Award, Operations Research Track.)

  4. Bhattacharya, A. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2014). Optimal microgrid energy storage strategies in the presence of renewables. In Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 31–June 4, 2014, pp. 1348-1355.

  5. Flory, J.A. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2011). Estimating lifetime distributions in a random environment. In Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Reno, NV, May 21-25, 2011, CD-ROM.

  6. Nabors, S.G., Bountourelis, T., Schaefer, A., Clermont, G., Luangkesorn, L., Kharoufeh, J., Maillart, L. and W. Yang (2011). Systematic engineering of acute care delivery: Predictability of intensive care unit patient throughput using process modeling. In Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society International Conference, Denver, CO, May 13–18, 2011. (Refereed Abstract.)

  7. Nabors, S.G., Bountourelis, T., Schaefer, A., Luangkesorn, L., Kharoufeh, J.P., Maillart, L.M., Yang, W. and G. Clermont (2011). Cost impact of blocking: Predictability of ICU patient throughput and cost variance using process modeling. In Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Brussels, Belgium, March 22–25, 2011. (Refereed Abstract.)

  8. Flory, J.A., Kharoufeh, J.P. and L.M. Maillart (2010). Optimal procurement and deployment of irreparable, multi-component systems. In Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cancun, Mexico, June 5-9, 2010, CD-ROM.

  9. Ulukus, M.Y., Kharoufeh, J.P. and L.M. Maillart (2010). Optimal replacement of a system with Markov-modulated degradation. In Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cancun, Mexico, June 5-9, 2010, CD-ROM.

  10. Booher, T.B. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2008). Optimal periodic inspection of complex degrading systems. In Proceedings of the 2008 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 17-21, 2008, pp. 87-92.

  11. Cordeiro, J.D. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2007). Analysis of an unreliable retrial queue in a random environment. In Proceedings of the 2007 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Nashville, TN, May 19-23, 2007, pp. 1328-1333. (Best Paper Award, Operations Research Track.)

  12. Crawford, B. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2007). Approximate analysis of an unreliable multiserver retrial queue. In Proceedings of the 2007 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Nashville, TN, May 19-23, 2007, pp. 1746-1751.

  13. Kharoufeh, J.P. and N.P. Sherman (2006). Performance analysis and control of an unreliable M/G/1 retrial queue. In Proceedings of the 2006 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May 20-24, 2006, CD-ROM.

  14. Peterson, B., Baldwin, R., and J.P. Kharoufeh (2004). A specification-compatible Bluetooth inquiry simplification. In Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Waikaloa, Hawaii, January 5-8, 2004, pp. 307-315. (Published by the IEEE Computer Society.)

  15. Flietstra, T., Bauer, K. and J.P. Kharoufeh (2002). Feature and architecture selection for radial basis neural networks. In Proceedings of the Artificial Neutral Networks in Engineering Conference: Smart Engineering System Design, Nov 10-13, pp. 123-128.

  16. Flannery, A., Kharoufeh, J.P., Gautam, N. and L. Elefteriadou (2000). Estimating delay at roundabouts. In Proceedings of the 70th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Nashville, Tennessee, August 6-9, 2000, CD-ROM.

  17. Bush, Brian O., Kharoufeh, J.P., and Luis Rabelo (1996). Development of an evolutionary scheme for adaptive fuzzy design. In Proceedings of the Adaptive Distributed Parallel Computing Symposium, Dayton, OH, August 8-9, 1996, pp. 125-136.

Edited Books

  1. Cochran, J., Cox, A., Keskinocak, P., Kharoufeh, J.P. and Smith, J.C. (Eds.) Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 2011.

Book Chapters

  1. Flory, J.A. and J.P. Kharoufeh. Stochastic models for industrial and systems engineering. In Maynard’s Handbook of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Sixth Edition, B. Bidanda (Editor), pp. 615-636, 2023, McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, NY.

  2. Bountourelis, T., Ulukus, M.Y., Kharoufeh, J.P. and S.G. Nabors. The modeling, analysis, and management of intensive care units. In Handbook of Healthcare Operations Management: Methods and Applications, B.T. Denton (Editor), pp. 153-182, 2013, Springer, New York, NY.

  3. Kharoufeh, J.P. The M/G/s/s queue. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, J. Cochran, T. Cox, P. Keskinocak, J.P. Kharoufeh, J.C. Smith (Eds.), 2011. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.

  4. Kharoufeh, J.P. Level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death processes. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, J. Cochran, T. Cox, P. Keskinocak, J.P. Kharoufeh, J.C. Smith (Eds.), 2011. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.

  5. Cordeiro, J.D. and J.P. Kharoufeh. Batch Markovian arrival processes (BMAP). In Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, J. Cochran, T. Cox, P. Keskinocak, J.P. Kharoufeh, J.C. Smith (Eds.), 2011. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.


  1. Kharoufeh, J.P. (2001). Stochastic Analysis of Link Travel Times:  Distributions, Moments, and Approximations.  Doctoral Dissertation, Program in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, The Pennsylvania State University.

  2. Kharoufeh, J.P. (1997). Density Estimation for Functions of Correlated Random Variables.  M.S. Thesis, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Ohio University.